The HyperTexts

More Good News

Some European students recently found The HyperTexts a valuable resource.

Recipients of grants from the European Union's Erasmus Programme selected seven poems from THT's archives—four of them by staff and contributors—to use in the poetry part of a multi-media presentation on the Holocaust they delivered in Thessalonica Greece.

The purpose of the presentation was to evoke the horrors of the Holocaust via the various arts—language, performing, visual—and to help keep alive in memory one of the most horrific atrocities in modern history.

Several dozen students from eight European countries participated in the presentation.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"— first observed by George Santayana and later echoed by Winston Churchill—is a warning worth remembering. Kudos to the young Erasmus Programme scholars who appear to have acted on this famous warning.

The HyperTexts continues to be a rich resource for scholars committed to ensuring that the past not be forgotten. The various ideological plagues of history are forever threatening to make a comeback. Knowing what has happened before can help prevent recurrences.

Tom Merrill
November 1, 2018


The explanatory notes and link below have been provided by THT to let our readers know more about the Erasmus Programme and THT's efforts in the realm of human rights.

Here is a link to a page where you can see pictures of the Erasmus scholars and learn more about their activities:

The Erasmus Programme is a European Union (EU) student exchange programme established in 1987. The programme is named after the Dutch philosopher and humanist Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. ERASMUS is a backronym meaning EuRopean community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. Over three million students have benefited from Erasmus grants. The poetry reading took place in Thessalonica (Thessaloniki), the second-largest Greek city and the capital of Macedonia, on Monday, March 21, 2016. Students from from Greece, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey participated, with the Greek students and the families playing host.

The four poems originally published by The HyperTexts include a translation of Miklos Radnoti's final "postcard" poem and original poems by Yala Korwin and Michael R. Burch. In recent years poems originally published by THT have been republished by Amnesty International in its Words That Burn anthology, by UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency), and by various grade schools, high schools and universities in their Holocaust studies. Poems related to human rights published by THT have appeared in Poets for Humanity, Genocide Awareness, Poems for Gaza, Haiti: a History of Hardship, Voices for Africa, Peace in Darfur, the Save Darfur Coalition website, the Coalition of Concerned Liberians website, Free Sri Lanka, Tamil Free Thoughts, and Kashmir News, among many others. Last year a poem published by THT was epigraphed, with its author's permission, by a British novelist and each chapter heading was taken from the poem.

The HyperTexts