The HyperTexts

From Eratosphere to "Erato, Speared" to "Erato Weird"
by Michael R. Burch, editor of The HyperTexts

I asked other poets to comment on my poem Love Has a Southern Flavor, my essay Eratosphere ... or ... Erato, Speared?, my satirical poem Erato, Speared, and my banishment from Eratosphere for having the audacity to exercise freedom of speech on my own website. The responses to date can be read at Eratosneered: The Response to "Erato, Speared".

However, during recent exchanges which occurred between June 11, 2024 and June 23, 2024, a far more important subject than catty poets screeching at each other came up: that being poets who publicly attack transgender people and berate other poets for not following suit. I have been publicly attacked by Caleb Murdock for not joining him in the hysteria, venting and mudslinging.

"Trans people are a sorry group with a strange malady, but they are making an aggressive push for power in western societies, and their ideas are unscientific." — Caleb Murdock, in a June 16, 2024 email

Caleb Murdock had a mouth,
and from this mouth
sprang north and south
disdain for transgenders. So
with his rant-rant here
and his rant-rant there,
here a rant, there rant,
everywhere a rant-rant, ...
I told the troglodyte: Go!
—Michael R. Burch

In his public attack on me, Murdock has been less than fully forthcoming. When he contacted me to complain, with good cause, about his abuse at the hands of the Erratics, Murdock kept badgering me about my refusal to agree with him in his transphobia. Being a mature adult, and knowing we would never agree, I asked him several times, in a civil manner, to drop the subject and not bring it up again. He persisted in badgering me, and I finally told him to fuck off, then wrote a bit of doggerel that he objected to. You can find it after my TIMELINE where I set the record straight.

It seems to strike fear in Murdock's heart, if he has one, that I support the right of other people to determine their sexual identity and to change their sex if they deem it necessary. I say this not because I consider myself anyone special, but because Murdock has gone so far out of his way to try to convert me to his Dark Ages agenda. Why me, unless he does it to everyone? But perhaps he does and I'm just one of his many targets.

I base my own opinion on my experience as the translator of the Hebrew poems of Adi Wolfson in his eye-opening book I Am Your Father. I learned a lot during those translations about the tremendous difficulties involved when Adi's daughter elected to become his son. This is not something anyone does lightly, or on a whim. And before that experience, my opinion was based on my belief that I am not God, to tell other people who they are, since I didn't choose to be a heterosexual male. I was born this way, with no say in the matter. And as far as I know, none of us control how we identify sexually nor the faces and bodies we're attracted to. I've always been more attracted to the Liv Tylers and Audrey Hepburns than the Jayne Mansfields and Loni Andersons. Why? No idea. I also like chocolate more than vanilla.

Nor need I have any say in what you do with your body as long as it's not raping or molesting mine, or someone else's. "Live and let live" is a far better policy than false morality imposed by hypocrites on other people. If no one is being harmed and it's none of our business, where is the "morality"?

My position is straightforward: I support the right of all human beings to determine their sexual identity and to go through the harrowing process of changing their genitalia, if they deem it necessary. Before, during and after, they should have the same rights as everyone else.

Murdock has gone public with a deceptive attack on me in which he failed to communicate certain pertinent facts: that I asked him several times in a civil manner to stop badgering me about my refusal to join him in his transphobia (not using the word at the time even though it applied) and that the bullying and harassment was entirely on his part. When I finally objected with stronger words, that minor action on my part was fully warranted. I have set the record straight to protect my reputation and to address the larger issue.


June 10, 2024 I was contacted by an old acquaintance of mine, Caleb Murdock, who informed me via email about his recent poets-spitting-venom experiences at Eratosphere. I agreed to keep Murdock's identity confidential so that he could go public as and when he preferred. During our subsequent emails Murdock kept badgering me about my stance on transgender people and I kept very civilly asking him to drop the subject, but he never did.

June 11, 2024 — I posted a brief update to my Eratosphere: The Response to "Erato, Speared" page, keeping Murdock's name confidential, as he had requested. It was on June 11 that Murdock's aggression began, and he explained his motivation in an email: "I'm still angry at you for being a 'woke' liberal who supports all of the bad ideas in transgender ideology." I replied in a civil manner: "I will ignore the opening sentence since we’re not going to agree and arguing will get neither one of us anywhere. I am willing to publish what you wrote below, if that interests you."

June 16, 2024 — Murdock, who likes to play the victim, revealed who the real aggressor was when he said in an email: "Hopefully some day you will wake up from your self-induced trance." Still being civil, I did not reply.

In another June 16 email Murdock revealed the depth of his transphobia: "You know, Michael, you don't realize this but your 100% pro-trans position is harming children, women, Lesbians, scientists and academicians in general. You are out of touch with the reality of what is happening in the world. Trans people are a sorry group with a strange malady, but they are making an aggressive push for power in western societies, and their ideas are unscientific." I bit my lip, but it was getting hard to put up with nasty tone, insults and mudslinging. Still being civil, I replied: "There is no point debating this issue further."

June 17, 2024 — Murdock gave me permission to reveal his name, so I did, in a second update to the same page.

In a June 17 email Murdock appeared to lose touch with reality, saying "Actually, you were the one who resumed our conversation, not me." This is a bald lie, or Murdock has lost his mind, since he had contacted me out of the blue on June 10, after we had agreed years before to cease communication over the same issue. My response: "You emailed me and you brought up the subject of transgenders. Read your own emails, are you insane?"

Murdock continued to lecture me in a flurry of June 17 emails, sometimes in bad English: "Our bodies tell is who and what we are." But why didn't Murdock's body tell him to be heterosexual? Is it because the part of his brain that controls sexual attraction prefers male features and anatomy? Does Murdock's body not telling his brain how to behave prove, or tend to prove, my point?

Finally, I had had it. Ignoring my civil requests for him to top harassing me, Murdock emailed: "The standards of society must be based on reality. This is reality: (1) Human beings are physical creatures. (2) A man is a person with a male reproductive system. (3) A man who feels like a woman is a man who feels like a woman, and nothing more." I replied: "You made up #3 without any basis and there is nothing more to be said. Let’s drop the subject because you make me sick to my stomach."

After agreeing not to email me again, perhaps showing a compulsive nature, Murdock sent me three more emails in which he accused me of being abusive and bullying, when I had repeatedly tried to avoid friction by getting him to drop the subject.

June 23, 2024 — Murdock went public with his attack on me, in which he failed to mention that I had asked him several times, with considerable forbearance considering what he said and how he said it, to drop the subject. Did I finally tell him what I really think of him? Yes, I did, but I did my best to avoid such unpleasantness. And I believe everything I said was justified, and more.


During my updates I expressed my reservations about Murdock, saying:

Let me mention that Murdock and I are decidedly not friends and hadn't spoken to each other in years prior to this incident. To my knowledge the only things we agree about are the need for poets to have freedom of speech and the fact that free speech is not allowed by the Erratics of Eratosphere.


While I initially sympathized with Murdock about his abuse at the hands of the Erratics, I was soon reminded why I had cut off communication with him years before, as he berated my "lack of understanding" about the immense danger transgenders pose to society. After I told him to fuck off, this poem popped into my head...

The Dunciad, Continued
by Michael R. Burch

Caleb Murdock
saw a transgender,
said to himself,
"I need to rear-end her!"

"I'll say she's a fraud!
I'll say she's a fake!
That not to be like me
was her mistake!"

"Although I'm effete,
although I'm gay,
she's not macho like me,
and that's not okay!"

"I'll whine and I'll cry
when my poems are critiqued,
then attack someone
I consider a freak!"

Caleb Murdock
saw a transgender,
said to himself,
"I need to rear-end her!"

The HyperTexts