The HyperTexts
Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal

Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, in a portrait by Karen J. Harlow
Michael: This is a splendid idea [publishing the career-defining poems of
Luis Omar Salinas] and no one deserves this attention more than Luis Omar
Salinas. Thank you so much for taking an interest in an important and
wonderful poet, who continues to write beautiful poetry. Karen Harlow is
his true guardian angel. I can see why Luis Omar is so inspired to write
such powerful poetry, such as "Chivalry."
I want to share with you a poem I wrote for Luis Omar, which he read that night,
where brightness filled a dark room in Fresno. — Luis Cuauhtemoc
Berriozabal in a letter to Michael R. Burch, editor of The HyperTexts
Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal is a poet who was born in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. He now
lives and works in Los Angeles County. His first book of poetry, Raw
Materials, will be published by Pygmy Forest Press.
The Blank Sheet
Let’s sing on the blank sheet
for an hour, half an hour, or
for a few chaotic minutes.
Let’s sing of days and nights,
of good and bad times with
words, with a sentence or two.
Let’s bring dancers around
who can dance as we sing.
Let’s sing of happiness and
misfortune. Let’s sing for the
birth of water and fire. Who
wants to join me in song?
Let’s sing of all things real
and surreal. Let’s sing about
you and me if there is any
space left on the blank sheet.
Originally published by Borderless Journal
When I Say Nothing
When I say nothing
that says plenty.
I pay attention.
I listen.
I let you talk
till fly the on the wall
cannot live another day,
till the cricket is the next
to talk from a crack
in the door. I keep my lips
rested for your kiss.
I am not going to stay
silent for much longer.
As sure as my breath can
no longer keep its secret,
my heart, my mouth, is yours.
Originally published by Borderless Journal
for Juan Amilcar Berriozabal
I will search for strength.
I will look in my soul
To lift up my spirits
As I am grieving. Loss
Has brought me to this state.
This loss will remain here
As a reminder to
The brother I loved and love.
I will search for strength.
I know how hard he fought.
I know there is hope as
My brother showed us all.
For Luis Omar Salinas
There are rivers
Where La Llorona's cries
Become an insane silence
The rivers flow inside us
Keepers of silence
In the "sadness of days"
In these rivers
Fishermen tales are woven
But never told
The sacred rivers
Are the padres
Who keep our confessions
"Ay, mis hijos"
La Llorona's voice
Wants to break through
The river's "hard crust of silence"
The anguish in her horse's face
Speaks just as loud
Cedar Branches
Cedar branches
bent by blackbirds
who whistle
and sing
as I count
my pennies
instead of my blessings.
If only my mood
were different,
I might join them
in song.
A Crow Sang for Me
A crow sang for me:
shook me up,
pierced my heart.
A murder of crows
mimicked the song,
but my heart belonged
to the first crow,
who sang first,
who made me feel again.
Song of the Heart
The blackbird sings in the backyard.
I'm listening: knowing: hearing
what I call a song of the heart.
Once that voice breaks you only
lie still in the earth and write
the notes that fill you up inside.
Such a song is heard and not forgotten.
The song and then the truth speaks.
Think instead: the song will remain,
What I call a song of the heart
is what the blackbird sings
in the backyard: lie still and listen.
He takes me to the tree,
which is made of plastic.
He tells me it looks real.
I agree with him.
He feels the leaves with his
Hands, and smiles. He knows
It isn't real and I
Hope that in time he
Could feel the same about
The voices in his head,
Which are incessant
And without mercy.
Secondhand Smoke
I'm secondhand
chain smoking
a man who
claims to be God,
Jesus, and
the Holy Ghost,
wrapped up in
just one person.
He smokes and
he smokes, smiling,
talking: said
He will save me
if I tell
the doctor how he
should be free,
His hands tremble
as the smoke
rises from his
Do you believe
in Jesus?
He looks at me
blowing smoke
inside my eye.
He throws it
down and gets one
more. He puffs
away and coughs.
His chart read
lung cancer, but
he won't quit.
Watch me make a
halo, he
tells me. I am
Jesus Christ.
I can do it
all, you know.
He just cannot
stop smoking.
The HyperTexts