My Doctir’s Excus
by Michael R. Burch, age 8
I can eggsplain why Im sick.
Sick as a brick
and my stule is thick.
I came to school
and I caught it from Rick.
Now I’m sick as a brick
and my stule is thick.
I cant do my homework
becus Im sick.
I cant take tests
becus Im a mess.
Blame Rick, the prick!
—signed, my doctir Ann Onimus
PS, Thurd grade is hard enuff on kids nervs and bad graids make my simptoms
worse! Liten up, doctirs orders!Ballade of the Red Devil
by Michael R. Burch
Is he laughing in heaven,
or frying in hell,
that damned elusive Pimpernel?
His scarlet color gives him away
and he lived in France—
so the legends say.
Thus the answer seems certain,
but leave it to God,
since thieves have been saved
by a gracious nod!