The HyperTexts

Our Most Popular Poets and Pages for 2010-2024

with comments by Michael R. Burch, editor of The HyperTexts

We began using Google Analytics in 2010, in order to learn which of our poets and pages are the most popular with readers. This is what we've discovered ...

THT has received approximately 17.1 million page views since 2010. Most of these page views come from people accessing THT via Google and other search engines. Readers are coming to us from around the globe: primarily from the U.S., Canada, the U.K., India, Australia, the Philippines, Germany, Italy, France, Russia and South Africa ... but also from more exotic locales like Guernsey, Morocco, Jordan, Ghana, New Zealand, Iceland and the Palestinian Territories.

Our top 50 contemporary poets and translators for 2024 were:

(#1) Fadwa Tuqan
Ann Drysdale
Tom Merrill
Martin McCarthy
Bronislawa Wajs aka "Papusza" translation by Yala Korwin
Mirza Ghalib translations by Michael R. Burch
Sappho translations by Michael R. Burch
Annie Diamond
Luis Omar Salinas
(#10) Jared Carter
Yala Korwin
Kevin N. Roberts
Nadia Anjuman
Renee Vivien translations by Michael R. Burch
Rabindranath Tagore translations by Michael R. Burch
Miklos Radnoti translations by Michael R. Burch
Iqbal Tamimi
Conor Kelly
Richard Moore
(20) F.F. Teague aka Felicity Teague
Reta Lorraine Bowen Taylor
Michael McClintock
Bob Zisk
Shannon Winestone
Wladyslaw Szlengel translations by Yala Korwin and Michael R. Burch
Mitali Chakravarty
Leslie Mellichamp
Robin Helweg-Larsen
(30) Sunil Sharma
Julie Kane
Charles d'Orleans translations by Michael R. Burch
Geoffrey Chaucer translations by Michael R. Burch
Joseph S. Salemi
Peter Austin
Gordon Ramel
Mahmoud Darwish translations by Michael R. Burch
Al-Qassim Abdulsalam
Dahlia Ravikovitch
(40) Anais Vionet
Terese Coe
Sophie Hannah Jones
Jack Butler
David B. Gosselin
John Masella
Jerome Betts
Robert Lavett Smith
Robert Mezey
Richard Craven
(#50) Marion Shore

Our top 50 contemporary poets and translators for 2022 were:

(#1) Yala Korwin
Bronislawa Wajs aka "Papusza" translation by Yala Korwin
Tom Merrill's poetry page and his intro to the antinatalist poems of Al-Ma'arri
Dahlia Ravikovitch
Fadwa Tuqan
Nadia Anjuman
Miklos Radnoti
Sappho translations by Michael R. Burch
Jared Carter
(#10) Kevin N. Roberts
Primo Levi
Bertolt Brecht
Ann Drysdale
Wladyslaw Szlengel translations by Yala Korwin and Michael R. Burch
Annie Diamond
Richard Moore
Jesse Anger
Sunil Sharma
Catherine Chandler
(20) Luis Omar Salinas
Leslie Mellichamp
Jack Butler
Gordon Ramel
Sophie Hannah Jones
Marion Shore
Michael McClintock
F.F. Teague aka Felicity Teague
David B. Gosselin
Mitali Chakravarty
(30) Mahmoud Darwish translations by Michael R. Burch
Edmund Conti
Norman R. Shapiro
Martin Elster
Gail White
John Whitworth
Joseph S. Salemi
R. S. Gwynn aka Sam Gwynn
A. E. Stallings aka Alicia Stallings
Robert Mezey
(#40) Rhina P. Espaillat
Line Gauthier
Jim McLean
Iqbal Tamimi
Richard Craven
Reta Lorraine Bowen Taylor
Peggy Landsman
Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori
Robert Lavett Smith
Julie Kane
Enheduanna translations by Michael R. Burch
(#50) Mary Rae

Our top 50 contemporary poets and translators for 2021 were:

(#1) Yala Korwin
Nadia Anjuman
Bronislawa Wajs aka "Papusza" translation by Yala Korwin
Sappho translations by Michael R. Burch
Fadwa Tuqan
Miklos Radnoti
Jared Carter
Tom Merrill's poetry page and his intro to the antinatalist poems of Al-Ma'arri
Dahlia Ravikovitch
(#10) Kevin N. Roberts
Bertolt Brecht
Primo Levi
Mahmoud Darwish translations by Michael R. Burch
Ann Drysdale
Richard Moore
Wladyslaw Szlengel translations by Yala Korwin and Michael R. Burch
Luis Omar Salinas
F.F. Teague aka Felicity Teague
Michael McClintock
(#20) Gordon Ramel
Sunil Sharma
Leslie Mellichamp
Mitali Chakravarty
David B. Gosselin
John Whitworth
Dan Almagor
Sophie Hannah Jones
Catherine Chandler
Jack Butler
(#30) A. E. Stallings aka Alicia Stallings
Marion Shore
Richard Craven
Annie Diamond
Rhina P. Espaillat
R. S. Gwynn aka Sam Gwynn
Gail White
Peggy Landsman
Robert Mezey
Norman R. Shapiro
(#40) Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori
Robert Lavett Smith
Martin Elster
Joseph S. Salemi
Greg Brownderville
Julie Kane
Edmund Conti
Iqbal Tamimi
Midge Goldberg
Richard Wakefield
Anais Vionet
Peter Austin
Theo Horesh
Line Gauthier
(#50) Enheduanna translations by Michael R. Burch

There were several ties in the 2021 results, so we included all the ties, giving us 55 poets in all.

Our top 50 contemporary poets and translators for 2020 were:

(#1) Yala Korwin
Bronislawa Wajs aka "Papusza" translation by Yala Korwin
Miklos Radnoti translations by Michael R. Burch
Fadwa Tuqan translations by Michael R. Burch
Bertolt Brecht translations by Michael R. Burch
Kevin N. Roberts
Tom Merrill
Nadia Anjuman
Ann Drysdale
(#10) Jared Carter
Richard Moore
Gordon Ramel
Leonard Nimoy
Anais Vionet
Primo Levi translations by Michael R. Burch
Sunil Sharma
Mahmoud Darwish translations by Michael R. Burch
Peter Austin
Luis Omar Salinas
(#20) Rabindranath Tagore translations by Michael R. Burch
Joseph S. Salemi
Wladyslaw Szlengel translations by Yala Korwin and Michael R. Burch
Norman R. Shapiro
John Whitworth
Conrad Aiken
Michael McClintock
Robert Mezey
Jack Butler
Reta Lorraine Bowen Taylor
(#30) Sophie Hannah Jones
Claire Brew
Julie Kane
Gail White
A. E. Stallings
Greg Brownderville
R. S. Gwynn aka Sam Gwynn
Richard Wakefield
Rhina P. Espaillat
Mandakini Bhattacherya
(#40) Marion Shore
Tina Sequeira
Peggy Landsman
Robert Lavett Smith
Iqbal Tamimi
Dahlia Ravikovitch
Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori
David B. Gosselin
Rose Kelleher
Edmund Conti
(#50) Ranald Barnicot

Our top 30 contemporary poets for 2019 were:

(#1) Yala Korwin
Miklos Radnoti translations by Michael R. Burch
Fadwa Tuqan translations by Michael R. Burch
Bronislawa Wajs aka "Papusza" translation by Yala Korwin
Ann Drysdale
Tom Merrill
Nadia Anjuman
Sunil Sharma
Richard Moore
(10) Gordon Ramel
Wladyslaw Szlengel translations by Yala Korwin and Michael R. Burch
Dahlia Ravikovitch
John Whitworth
Luis Omar Salinas
Norman R. Shapiro
A. E. Stallings
Kevin N. Roberts
Rhina P. Espaillat
R. S. Gwynn
(20) Sophie Hannah Jones
Primo Levi translations by Michael R. Burch
Sophie Hannah Jones
Joseph S. Salemi
Julie Kane
David Berman
Jared Carter
Robert Mezey
Gail White
Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori
(30) Michael McClintock

Our top 50 contemporary poets for 2018 were:

(#1) Yala Korwin (Yala has consistently been our most-read contemporary poet)
Miklos Radnoti translations by Michael R. Burch
Fadwa Tuqan translations by Michael R. Burch
Tom Merrill
Nadia Anjuman
Richard Moore
Sunil Sharma
Luis Omar Salinas
Norman R. Shapiro
(#10) Ann Drysdale
Wladyslaw Szlengel translations by Yala Korwin and Michael R. Burch
Mahmoud Darwish translations by Michael R. Burch
Bronislawa Wajs aka "Papusza" translation by Yala Korwin
A. E. Stallings
Julie Kane
Sophie Hannah Jones
Primo Levi translations by Michael R. Burch
R. S. Gwynn
Rhina P. Espaillat
(#20) Robert Mezey
Edmund Conti
Joseph S. Salemi
Annie Diamond
Gail White
Peter Austin
Jack Butler
Jared Carter
Michael McClintock
John Whitworth
(#30) Tawfik Zayyad translation by Adib S. Kawar
Hanan Ashrawi
Catherine Chandler
Gordon Ramel
Joe M. Ruggier
Quincy R. Lehr
Dahlia Ravikovitch
Rose Kelleher
Jennifer Reeser
Janet Kenny
(#40) Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori
Peggy Landsman
Iqbal Tamimi
Kevin N. Roberts
Richard Wakefield
Chaim Nachman Bialik translations by Michael R. Burch
Leslie Mellichamp
Greg Alan Brownderville
Agnes Wathall
(#50) T. S. Kerrigan

Our top 25 poetry pages for 2018 were:

Erotic Poems (over 56,000 page views)
Sad/Dark Poems (over 54,000 page views)
Limericks (over 53,000 page views)
Beautiful Poems (over 52,000 page views)
Holocaust Poems (over 47,000 page views)
Long Poems (over 33,000 page views)
Love Poems (over 26,000 page views)
Haiku translations by Michael R. Burch (over 25,000 page views)
William Blake (over 21,000 page views)
Michael R. Burch (over 20,000 page views)
Sonnets (over 18,000 page views)
The Best Poems of All Time (over 17,000 page views)
Robert Burns translations by Michael R. Burch (over 16,000 page views)
Free Verse (over 15,000 page views)
Short Poems (over 13,000 page views)
The Best Poems of Modernism (over 12,000 page views)
Christmas Poems (over 16,000 page views)
Urdu Love Poetry translations by Michael R. Burch (over 11,000 page views)
Mary Elizabeth Frye (over 11,000 page views)
Nonsense Verse (over 10,000 page views)
"The Wife's Lament" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 6,300 page views)
"Whoso List to Hunt" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 5,200 page views)
"Deor's Lament" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 4,800 page views)
"Wulf and Eadwacer" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 4,500 page views)
"Caedmon's Hymn" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 4,500 page views)

The following statistics are cumulative through 2010, after which time we unfortunately lost our ability to track cumulative page views (so the actual figures are higher) ...

Our most popular contemporary poets are:

Yala Korwin (over 38,000 page views)
Michael R. Burch (over 33,000 page views)
Leonard Nimoy (over 19,000 page views)
Richard Moore (over 13,000 page views)
Luis Omar Salinas (over 12,000 page views)
Nadia Anjuman (over 12,000 page views)
T. Merrill (over 10,000 page views)
A. E. Stallings (over 9,900 page views)
Richard Blanco (over 9,900 page views)
R. S. (Sam) Gwynn (over 8,800 page views)
X. J. Kennedy (over 8,700 page views)

The poets above are our top 10 in page views, and all had 8,000 or more page views.

Fadwa Tuqan (over 6,600 page views)
Robert Mezey (over 5,400 page views)
Rhina Espaillat  (over 5,100 page views)
Mahmoud Darwish (over 5,100 page views)
Sophie Hannah Jones (over 4,800 page views)
Janet Kenny (over 4,500 page views)
Iqbal Tamimi (over 4,300 page views)
John Whitworth (over 4,100 page views)
Julie Kane (over 3,800 page views)
Ann Drysdale (over 3,600 page views)
Quincy R. Lehr (over 3,200 page views)
Joseph S. Salemi (over 3,100 page views)
Richard Wakefield (over 3,000 page views)
J. Patrick Lewis (over 3,000 page views)
Norman Shapiro (over 3,000 page views)

The poets above are our top 25 in page views, and all had 3,000 or more page views.

Bruce Weigl (over 2,900 page views)
Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori (over 2,800 page views)
Greg Alan Brownderville (over 2,700 page views)
Jennifer Reeser (over 2,700 page views)
Hanan Ashwari (over 2,600 page views)
Annie Finch (over 2,500 page views)
Judy "Joy" Jones (over 2,500 page views)
Jared Carter (over 2,400 page views)
Alfred and Anita Dorn (over 2,200 page views)
Jim Barnes (over 2,200 page views)
Michael McClintock (over 2,200 page views)
Jack Butler (over 2,200 page views)
George Held (over 2,000 page views)
Gail White (over 2,000 page views)

The poets above all had 2,000 or more page views.

A. M. "Mike" Juster
Zyskandar Jaimot
Kevin N. Roberts
Charles Martin
Gordon Ramel
Peter Austin
Catherine Chandler
Ellaraine Lockie
Adrie Kusserow

All the poets above had 1,500 or more page views.

Dan Almagor
Wendy Videlock
Robert Crawford
Christina Pacosz
Yakov Azriel
Deborah Warren
Charles Fishman
Edmund Conti
Ethna Carbery

All the poets above have had 1,000 or more page views.

Our most popular poets of the past are:

Robert Burns (our most popular poet with over 128,000 page views)
William Blake (a close second with over 100,000 page views)
Urdu Love Poets with translations by Michael R. Burch (over 50,000 page views)
Mary Elizabeth Frye (over 38,000 page views)
"Wife's Lament" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 31,000 page views)
Ronald Reagan (over 26,000 page views; Reagan was an unexpectedly good poet, and from a young age to boot)
Thomas Wyatt "Whoso List to Hunt" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 21,000 page views)
Abraham Lincoln (over 18,000 page views; Lincoln was an accomplished poet who wrote a poem that was "more popular than the Bible" in Illinois, about a gay marriage!)
Oscar Wilde (over 18,000 page views)
Sappho with translations by Michael R. Burch and other poets (over 18,000 page views)
"Wulf and Eadwacer" translations by Michael R. Burch (over 15,000 page views)
"Caedmon's Hymn" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 11,000 page views)
A. E. Housman (over 9,000 page views)
William Dunbar  translations by Michael R. Burch (over 9,000 page views)
Haiku Masters with translations by Michael R. Burch (over 9,000 page views)
Wallace Stevens (over 7,000 page views)
The Archpoet  (over 7,000 page views)
John Dowland (over 7,000 page views)
Ezra Pound (over 6,000 page views)
Robert Frost (over 6,000 page views)
Thomas Wyatt (over 6,000 page views)
Mark Twain (over 6,000 page views)
Ahmad Faraz translations by Michael R. Burch (over 6,000 page views)
"Bede's Death Song" translation by Michael R. Burch (over 6,000 page views)
Conrad Aiken  (over 5,000 page views)
Robert Bridges (over 5,000 page views)
Dorothy Parker (over 4,000 page views)
Hart Crane (over 4,000 page views)
W. H. Davies (over 4,000 page views)
Rainer Maria Rilke translations by Michael R. Burch (over 4,000 page views)
Paul Celan translations by Michael R. Burch (over 4,000 page views)
Basho translations by Michael R. Burch (over 4,000 page views)
Louise Bogan (over 3,000 page views)
Thomas Campion (over 2,000 page views)

All the poets above have had 1,000 or more page views.

Our most popular Holocaust and Nakba poets are:

Yala Korwin* (our most-read Holocaust poet with over 35,000 page views)
Michael R. Burch* (over 26,000 page views)
Miklós Radnóti with translations by Michael R. Burch (over 25,000 page views; perhaps the greatest of all the Holocaust poets)
Nadia Anjuman* (over 11,000 page views)
Janusz Korczak (over 8,000 page views)
Ahmad Faraz (over 6,000 page views)
Bronislawa Wajs (a Romani gypsy poet with over 5,000 page views)
Bertolt Brecht with translations by Michael R. Burch (the great German Holocaust and anti-Nazi poet has over 5,000 page views)
Fadwa Tuqan* (perhaps the greatest of all the female Palestinian Naka poets has over 6,000 page views)
Mahmoud Darwish (perhaps the greatest of all the Palestinian Naka poets has over 5,000 page views)
Iqbal Tamimi* (our Palestinian "editor in exile" has over 4,000 page views)
Paul Celan with translations by Michael R. Burch (over 4,000 page views)
Dahlia Ravikovitch (over 3,000 page views)
Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori* (a Hiroshima survivor with over 2,500 page views)
Hanan Ashrawi  (over 2,500 page views)
Jerzy Ficowski (over 2,500 page views)
Primo Levi with translations by Michael R. Burch (over 2,000 page views)
Charles Fishman (over 2,000 page views)

One measure of popularity, other than raw numbers of page views, is how often readers actively seek out particular poets and themes by name. It's encouraging to know that contemporary poets are being sought by name via search engines like Google. In the listings below, an asterisk denotes a contemporary poet who is not better known for things other than writing poetry.

Our most popular search terms are:

620K: Poetry and related terms such as "formal," "romantic," "sonnets," "free verse," "haiku," etc.
160K: Best poems and related terms such as "best sonnets," "best free verse," etc.
  97K: Song and related terms such as "singer," "songwriter" and "music"
  85K: Epigram and related terms such as "quote" and "quotation" 
  75K: Holocaust poetry and related terms such as "Shoah" (Hebrew for "Catastrophe")
  45K: Hiroshima poetry
  35K: Palestinian poetry and related terms such as "Gaza" and "Nakba" (Arabic for "Catastrophe")
  30K: Love poetry and related terms
  28K: Limerick and related terms
  25K: Short poems and related terms
  25K: Translations by Michael R. Burch
  24K: Sonnet and related terms
  23K: Free verse and related terms
  21K: Romanticism and related terms
  21K: Beautiful poems and related terms
  21K: Nelson Mandela poetry
  21K: "No hell in the Bible" and related terms
  19K: William Blake
  14K: Robert Burns translations by Michael R. Burch
  14K: Albert Einstein poetry and/or epigrams
  12K: Funny poems and related terms such as "humorous" and "light" verse
  11K: Dark poetry and related terms
  11K: Scary poetry and related terms like "Halloween" poetry
  11K: Trump puns, limericks, jokes, etc.
  10K: Formal poetry and related terms such as "traditional," "metrical," "classic" and "classical"
  10K: Rock poetry and related terms
  10K: Mysterious Ways and related searches
    9K: Protest poems and songs
    9K: Famous insults
    9K: Haiku translations by Michael R. Burch
    9K: Urdu love poetry translations by Michael R. Burch
    9K: Stone of Scone and related terms
    8K: Erotic poetry
    8K: Haiti poetry
    8K: Famous hustlers, pool sharks, etc.
    7K: Abraham Lincoln poetry
    7K: "What caused the Civil War?", slavery and related searches
    6K: Oscar Wilde
    6K: Trail of Tears and Native American poetry
    6K: "The Wife's Lament" translation by Michael R. Burch
    6K: Ronald Reagan poetry
    6K: Pope John Paul II poetry and related searches
    5K: Michael R. Burch*
    5K: Darfur poetry
    4K: Miklós Radnóti
    4K: X. J. Kennedy*
    4K: A. E. Stallings*
    4K: Villanelle and related terms
    4K: Sad poetry and related terms
    3K: "Deor's Lament" translation by Michael R. Burch
    3K: Thomas Wyatt
    3K: R. S. Gwynn*
    3K: Mark Twain poetry and/or epigrams
    3K: Luis Omar Salinas*
    3K: A. E. Housman
    3K: Robert Bridges
    3K: Rhina P. Espaillat*
    3K: Leonard Nimoy poetry
    3K: Princess Diana poetry
    2K: Richard Moore*
    2K: Robert Mezey*
    2K: Yala Korwin*
    2K: Sophie Hannah Jones* and/or "Rubbish at Adultery"
    2K: Nadia Anjuman*
    2K: Sappho translations by Michael R. Burch
    2K: Wallace Stevens
    2K: John Dowland
    2K: Ogden Nash
    1K: The Archpoet translation by Helen Waddell
    1K: T. Merrill*
    1K: Basho translations by Michael R. Burch
    1K: "Wulf and Eadwacer" translation by Michael R. Burch
    1K: Mahmoud Darwish
    1K: Jared Carter*
    1K: Judy "Joy" Jones*
    1K: John Whitworth*
    1K: Joseph S. Salemi*
    1K: Greg Alan Brownderville*
    1K: Jennifer Reeser*
    1K: Quincy R. Lehr*
    1K: Jim Barnes*
    1K: Julie Kane*
    1K: Kevin N. Roberts*
    1K: Mary Elizabeth Frye
    1K: Omer Goldman
    1K: Tweets best/worst/poetic


More important than sheer numbers of hits is the "captivatingness" of poetry and literary prose. So let's give a tip of the cap to the writers best at holding our readers' interest. These rankings were developed using data provided to us by Google Analytics. Please note that some fine poets did not make this list because they didn't have enough page views to qualify. And please keep in mind that THT has published hundreds of accomplished writers, so to appear anywhere in the rankings on this page is a notable achievement.

Poets and writers who especially captivated and held our readers' interest:

The Masters

John Dowland (our readers spent more time on his page than any other poet's)
Eunice de Chazeau
Rainer Maria Rilke translations by Michael R. Burch
A. E. Housman
Ben Franklin, Poet
Robert Burns with "modernizations" by Michael R. Burch
William Blake
William Dunbar translations by Michael R. Burch
The Archpoet
Sappho translations by Michael R. Burch and other poets
Oscar Wilde
Dorothy Parker
Hart Crane
Wallace Stevens
Mary Elizabeth Frye
Robert Frost
Ezra Pound
Harold Monro
W. H. Davies
Conrad Aiken
Louise Bogan
"Deor's Lament" translation by Michael R. Burch
Ernest Dowson
Thomas Campion
Nelson Mandela poetry and essays
Albert Einstein poetry and essays
Abraham Lincoln poetry
Leonard Nimoy poetry and photographs


Miklós Radnóti (translations by Michael R. Burch)
Nadia Anjuman*
Fadwa Tuqan*
Mahmoud Darwish*
Iqbal Tamimi*
Yala Korwin*
Janusz Korczak (translation by Michael R. Burch)
Wladyslaw Szlengel
Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II)
Elie Wiesel
Tawfik Zayyad*
Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori*
Charles Fishman*
Jerzy Ficowski

Contemporary Poets

Robert Mezey*
Luis Omar Salinas*
A. E. Stallings*
R. S. (Sam) Gwynn*
X. J. Kennedy*
T. Merrill*
Michael R. Burch*
Rhina P. Espaillat*
Julie Kane*
Richard Moore*
Ann Drysdale*
Norman R. Shapiro*
Kevin N. Roberts*
Richard Blanco*
Ellaraine Lockie*
Edmund Conti*
Ethna Carbery
Michael McClintock*
Jack Butler*
Deborah Warren*
Michael Pendragon*
Charles Martin*
Mary E. Moore*
John Whitworth*
Jim Barnes*
Adrie Kusserow*
Joseph S. Salemi*
Sophie Hannah Jones*
Wendy Videlock*
Quincy R. Lehr
Hatem M. Titi*
John Marcus Powell*
Zyskandar Jaimot*
Marryann Corbett*
David Rosenthal*
George Held*
Olfa Drid*
Leslie Mellichamp*
Mike Snider*
Rob Griffith*
Charles Fishman*
Jim Dunlap*
Timothy Murphy*
Alfred Nichol*
R. Nemo Hill*
Robert W. Crawford*
Richard Wakefield*
Gail White*
Nick Marco*
John Beaton*
Anita Dorn*
Alfred Dorn*
Mike Alexander*
Mary Malone*
Jill Williams*
Henry George Fischer*
Andrey Kneller*
Joe M. Ruggier*
Tom Riley*
David Landrum*
Sieglinde Wood*
Tara A. Eliot*
Michelle Cohen Corsanti*

Our Most Captivating Pages, Regardless of Category

Gideon Levy articles about the Nakba and the plight of the Palestinians
John Dowland
Rainer Maria Rilke (translations by Michael R. Burch)
"The Embarrassing Intolerance of God" by Michael R. Burch
Mother's Day Poems
American Poetry
Weird Baseball Facts and Trivia
"Is God a Homophobic Intolerant Bigot?" by Michael R. Burch*
Arthurian Poems
New Year Poetry
William Blake Pages (all seem to be popular with our readers)
"Hatred of God in Haiti" by Michael R. Burch*
"Drats, Rejected Again: the Bias against Formal Poetry" by Michael R. Burch*
Romanticism essay by Michael R. Burch*
Chinese Poets
Beat Poets
The Best Female Poets
Elegies, Dirges and Laments
Spiritual Poetry
Contemporary Poetry
"Whoso List to Hunt" translation by Michael R. Burch
"No Hell in the Bible" by Michael R. Burch*
Dark Poems
AFTER by Sharron Rose*
Love Poems
Free Verse
Urdu Love Poems
The Masters of English Poetry

Other Captivating Pages

The Most Beautiful Poems in the English Language
Robert Burns poetry with translations by Michael R. Burch*
John F. Kennedy poetry page
"William Blake's Jesus Christ" by Michael R. Burch*
Voltaire Essay by Clarence Darrow with an intro by T. Merrill*
Richard Moore* interview with Michael R. Burch*
Abraham Lincoln poetry page
Martial Epigrams with translations by Joseph S. Salemi*
Didactic Poems
Warren Buffett on Trickle Down Economics
"Bible Sexism and Republican Chauvinism" essay by Michael R. Burch*
"Yeats the Balancer" essay by Richard Moore*
"Notorious Artists" by Michael R. Burch*
Janet Kenny* interview with Michael R. Burch*
Formalism essay by Michael R. Burch* with an intro by T. Merrill*
The Best Children's Poems
The Best Poems of Modernism
John Whitworth* interview with Michael R. Burch*
The Best Erotic Poems
Zionist Quotes
The Burch-Elberry Peace Initiative by Michael R. Burch*
Tom Merrill* interview with Michael R. Burch*
"What Caused the Civil War" by Michael R. Burch*
Free Verse Poems
"The Great Heretics" by Michael R. Burch*
"Deor's Lament" translation by Michael R. Burch*
Famous Holocaust Poems
Famous Insults
"The Wife's Lament" translation by Michael R. Burch*
Epigrams in Literature and Poetry
"Famous Pool Sharks" by Michael R. Burch*
Marilyn Monroe Poetry

The statistics below are not completely current, and will be updated some time after the end of 2016. The names of our top poets in terms of page views (1,000 or more) have been bolded to make them stand out. The names of writers like Abraham Lincoln, Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan have been bolded because they wrote seriously good poetry. An asterisk denotes a contemporary poet. Please note that there is some "duplication" or "crossover" because a page may appear in a cumulative ranking, such as "Best Poetry Pages" and also in an individual ranking, such as "The Best Sonnets of All Time."

Best Poetry Pages: Sonnets, Villanelles, Limericks, Formal Verse, Free Verse, etc.

(The pages above were viewed cumulatively 1,800,000 or more times)

Holocaust Poetry and Prose
Hiroshima Poetry and Prose
Nakba Poetry and Prose: the Holocaust of the Palestinians

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Contemporary Poet Pages

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Mysterious Ways
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Robert Burns with Translations by Michael R. Burch
The Best Sad Songs
The Best Erotic Poems
The Best Free Verse Poems

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William Blake
Main Indexes & Issue Pages
Epigrams in Literature and Poetry
"No Hell in the Bible" by Michael R. Burch

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Famous Insults, Comebacks and Rejoinders
Halloween Poetry
Songs and Poems that Changed the World

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"Parables of Zion" by Michael R. Burch
Famous and Notorious Beauties, Courtesans, Hustlers, etc.
Short Poems
Symbols in Poetry
Haiku Masters with translations by Michael R. Burch
The Best Female Singer-Songwriters of All Time
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The Best Urdu Love Poetry

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Albert Einstein Poems, Epigrams, Essays and Quotes
Nelson Mandela Poems and Quotations
Yala Korwin*
Mary Elizabeth Frye
Michael R. Burch*

Miklós Radnóti with Translations by Michael R. Burch (15,574)
"The Wife's Lament" Translation by Michael R. Burch
Ronald Reagan Poetry
Kids on Love: What the Real Experts Have to Say
Rock Jukebox: the Poetry of Rock 'n' Roll
The Best One-Liners and Zingers
Famous Hustlers
The Best Love Poems of All Time
Michael R. Burch* Holocaust Poetry

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The Masters of English Poetry

"Deor's Lament" Translation by Michael R. Burch
Sir Thomas Wyatt "Whoso List to Hunt" Translation by Michael R. Burch
"Romanticism Then and Now" by Michael R. Burch
The Best Contemporary Poetry
For Darfur
"Are the 1967 Borders of Israel 'Indefensible'?" by Michael R. Burch
Albert Einstein's 1948 letter to the New York Times in which he called militant Zionists racists, fascists and terrorists
The Best Protest Songs and Poems
Famous and Notorious Beauties
The Best Songs Ever
Terezín Children's Holocaust Poems
The Best Symbols in Poetry and Literature
The Best Female Poets of All Time
The Best Didactic Poems

Best Vocal Performances

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Translations by Michael R. Burch and other poets
"Wulf and Eadwacer" Translation by Michael R. Burch
Pope John Paul II Poetry
Leonard Nimoy Poetry and Photography
Abraham Lincoln Poetry
Trail of Tears Poetry
Haiti Poetry
Formal Poetry Essay by Michael R. Burch with "Regarding the Great Divide" by T. Merrill
"Was the Civil War Fought Over Slavery or States' Rights?" by Michael R. Burch

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Luis Omar Salinas*
Richard Moore*
Nadia Anjuman*
Oscar Wilde
"Caedmon's Hymn"
Translation by Michael R. Burch
Famous Holocaust Poems
Nakba Index (The Holocaust of the Palestinians)
Einstein on Palestine
The Best Short Poems of All Time
The Best Haiku
The Best Puns
The Lynching of James Cameron
Gaza Poetry: Poems for Gaza
Current & Back Issues
Lilith Fail: The Stone of Destiny

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T. Merrill*
A. E. Stallings*
R. S. Gwynn*
X. J. Kennedy*
Fadwa Tuqan
Robert Mezey*
Rhina P. Espaillat*
Jewish Ghetto Poets
with Translations by Yala Korwin
Janus Korczak
A. E. Housman
Judy "Joy" Jones*
John Dowland
Ezra Pound
William Dunbar
Translations by Michael R. Burch: "Sweet Rose of Virtue" and "Lament for the Makaris"
Albert Einstein Quotations
Elie Wiesel Essays
Palestinian Poetry and Art
Genocide Poetry
Let Freedom Sing
About The HyperTexts
The Best Funny Epigrams
The Best Lyric Poetry
Omer Goldman, Israeli Peace Activist and Refusenik
Holocaust Poems for Students and Teachers
Flying the Flag on 9-11
The Bishop Willard Mitt Romney Files
Ivan Panin Bible Math

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Robert Bridges
Thomas Wyatt
The Archpoet
Wallace Stevens
Sophie Hannah Jones*
Hart Crane
Julie Kane*
Wladyslaw Szlengel
Dorothy Parker
Iqbal Tamimi*
W. H. Davies
The Best Christian Poetry
Kids Say the Damndest Things, Usually in Church
The Children of Gaza Speak, Who Will Listen?
Brian Coleman Tribute Page
Arab Spring Poetry
Japan Earthquake Poetry
The Best Villanelles
Makoto Fujimura Art and Essays
The Best Metaphors
Famous Pool Sharks
The Best Tweets Ever
The Best Romantic Poetry
The Best Poem of All Time
The Best Lyric Poetry
The Best Christmas Songs of All Time
The Best Valentine's Day Poems
The Best Poems of Modernism
The Best Dirges, Elegies and Laments
Search The HyperTexts
"English Poetic Roots" by Michael R. Burch
Romantic Poetry Essay by Michael R. Burch
"The Bible's Satanic Verses" by Michael R. Burch
"Osama bin Laden and the Twin Terrors" by Michael R. Burch
"What Caused the Civil War? (Slavery!)" by Michael R. Burch
"Nakba Day" by Michael R. Burch

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Bronislawa Wajs
J. Patrick Lewis*
John Whitworth*
Bertolt Brecht
Translations by Michael R. Burch
Quincy R. Lehr*
Conrad Aiken
Mahmoud Darwish*

Greg Alan Brownderville*
Mark Twain
Poems, Epigrams and Quotes
Louise Bogan
Dahlia Ravikovitch*
Ahmad Faraz
Translations by Michael R. Burch
Paul Celan
Translations by Michael R. Burch
Bruce Weigl*
Allama Iqbal
Translations by Michael R. Burch and other Poets
Charles Fishman*
Annie Finch*
Alfred and Anita Dorn*
Joe M. Ruggier*
Joseph Salemi*
Jerzy Ficowski
Immanuel A. Michael
Ann Drysdale*
Takashi "Thomas" Tanemori*
Jennifer Reeser*
Martin Niemöller

Kevin N. Roberts*
Jim Barnes*

Romney Cayman Island IRA
Yeshua in the Tanakh
Darrell Scott Columbine Poem
The Best Protest Poems of all Time
Wit & Fluff
Dear God (Children's Musings about God)
The Best War and Anti-War Poetry
The Best Political Poems and Epigrams
Best Poetry Index
In Peace's Arms, Not War's
The Burch-Elberry Peace Initiative
"Todd Burpo: Spinning Heaven for Profit?" by Michael R. Burch
"Is God a Homophobic Intolerant Bigot?" by Michael R. Burch
"Should Christians Use the Bible to Deny Palestinians their Human Rights?" by Michael R. Burch
"Rat Zingers Children" by Michael R. Burch

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Janet Kenny*
Urmila Subbarao*
Zyskandar Jaimot*
Ellaraine Lockie*
Robert Frost
Thomas Campion
Catherine Chandler*
Anthony Hecht*
Chaya Feldman
Reuven Moskovitz
Edmund Conti*
Basho Translations by Michael R. Burch
Richard Wakefield*
George Eliot
A. M. (Mike) Juster*
R. Nemo Hill*
Michael McClintock*
Adrie Kusserow*
George Held*
Tawfik Zayyad
Charles Martin*
Dan Almagor*
Harold Monro
e. e. cummings
Salomon Meisels
Emily Dickinson
English Poetic Meter and Rhyme Essays by Richard Moore
Palestinian Freedom Walk
The Worst Song Lyrics Ever
The Heretical Poets
Epigram History and Examples
Martial Epigrams with Translations by Joseph S. Salemi
Grace Notes
The Best of The HyperTexts
Review of The Eclectic Muse
The Best Poets of All Time
The Best Fall/Autumn Poetry
Best Love Quotes and Epigrams
The Best Epigrams about Sex, Marriage, Men and Women
The Dumbest Things Ever Said
Heresy Hearsay
Arthurian Poems
Most Popular Poets and Pages (this page)
Eratosphere Poems and Essays by Michael R. Burch
"Can there be a Just Peace for Israel?" by Michael R. Burch
"Calling Bibi's Bluff" by Michael R. Burch
"A Simple Proof that the Bible is not Infallible" by Michael R. Burch
"What Was the Holocaust and Why Did it Happen?" by Michael R. Burch
"How Can We End Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Forever?" Essay by Michael R. Burch
"Christian Mothers and the Cult of Hell" by Michael R. Burch

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Helen Bar-Lev "Genie Angels" and Poetry
Wendy Videlock*
Norman Shapiro*
Jack Butler*
Jared Carter*
Primo Levi Translations by Michael R. Burch
Peter Austin*
"Bede's Death Song" Translation by Michael R. Burch
Anna Evans*
O, Terrible Angel poems written for Beth Burch by Michael R. Burch
Roger Hecht*
Ric Masten*
Maureen Cannon*
Michel de Montaigne
Ethna Carbery
Hatred of God in Haiti
Thanksgiving in Poetry
"The Poisonous Tomato" by Immanuel A. Michael
Sandy Hook Poems
Gaza: Death's Door
Athenian Epitaph Translations by Michael R. Burch
"The Metaphor of Photon Entanglement" by Michael R. Burch
"How Palestine Became Divided" by Michael R. Burch

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Gail White*
Nahida Izzat*
Robert W. Crawford*
Sharron Rose*
Federico Garcia Lorca
Ernest Dowson
Hanan Ashrawi
Beth Harris Burch Sings "The Ballad of the Christmas Donkey"
Terese Coe*
Lee Slonimsky*
Timothy Murphy*
Ono no Komachi Translations by Michael R. Burch
Paul Stevens*
Christina Pacosz *
Sandra Jane Burch*
"How Long the Night" Translation by Michael R. Burch
Carmen Willcox*
Wladyslaw Szlengel "Janusz Korczak's Deportation Diary" Translation by Michael R. Burch
Deborah Warren*
Len Krisak*
T. S. Kerrigan*
Sieglinde Wood*
Jacob and the Angel
9-11 Poetry
Zionist Quotes
"Direct Experience with Universal Love" by Sharron Rose
"The Holocaust of the Homeless" with poems by Judy Jones, Tom Merrill, and others
Two Tales of the Night Sky
Herzl, Hitler and the Final Solution for the Children of Gaza
Janet Kenny Interview
Ogaden Poetry
Sarah Palin, Poet!
The Best Erotic Poems
Drats, Rejected Again (The Bias Against Formal Poetry)
Sigmund Freud on Zionism
"Child of 9-11" by Michael R. Burch, for Christina-Taylor Green

(The pages above were viewed 500 or more times)

Wendy Taylor Carlisle* (490)
David Rosenthal* (490)
Leo Yankevich* (483)
David Gwilym Anthony* (474)
Sally Cook* (468)
Leslie Mellichamp* (459)
Sean M. Teaford* (454)
Frank Osen* (451)
Michael Cantor* (446)
Michael Pendragon* (444)
Sheema Kalbasi* (444)
Mahnaz Badihian* (435)
George Amabile* (434)
Alfred Nicol* (430)
Maryann Corbett* (427)
Pablo Neruda (426)
Jendi Reiter* (425)
Moore Moran* (423)
Harvey Stanbrough* (415)
Jesse Anger* (415)
Ian Thornley* (414)
Mary Rae* (409)
John Z. Guzlowski (398)
Rainer Maria Rilke Translations by Michael R. Burch (387)
Noah Hoffenberg* (383)
Jeffrey Woodward* (375)
Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal* (375)
Keith Holyoak* (374)
Tom Riley* (374)
Erich Fried Translations by Michael R. Burch (371)
Karen Kelsay Davies* (368)
Shaul Tchernichovsky Translations by Michael R. Burch (367)
Karen Harlow Visual Art (366)
William Carlos Williams* (366)
John Beaton* (358)
CarrieAnn Thunell* (355)
Mary E. Moore* (355)
Alan Wickes* (347)
Russell Bittner* (342)
Paul Ray Burch Jr. Tribute Page (334)
Anton N. (Tony) Marco* (333)
Ber Horvitz Translations by Michael R. Burch (330)
Rose Kelleher* (323)
Daniel Waters* (321)
Marion Shore* (315)
Michael Stowers* (314)
Marina Tsvetaeva Translations by Michael R. Burch (313)
V. Ulea* (313)
Edward Nudelman (309)
John Marcus Powell* (301)
Andrey Kneller* (296)
Ben Franklin (296)
Philip Quinlan* (295)
Jill Williams* (284)
Richard Blanco* (282)
Chaim Nachman Bialik Translations by Michael R. Burch (280)
June Kysilko Kraeft* (279)
Vilem Pollak (279)
Bill Coyle* (272)
Max Babi* (271)
Jim Dunlap* (263)
Judith Werner* (261)
Walt Whitman (261)
Sandor Marai Translation by Michael R. Burch (260)
Tegner's Drapa Translation by Michael R. Burch (255)
James Bobrick* (254)
Ayla Mahler* (253)
Seamus Cassidy* (252)
Dennis Greene* (252)
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Translations by Michael R. Burch (251)
Famous Last Words
Pope Poems
The Best Singers of All Time
The Best Rock Lyrics
Famous Courtesans
Israeli Prime Ministers Who Were Terrorists
What Caused 9-11?
Are CIA Drones Killing Children?
The Curious Blindness of Abba Eban
The Spiritual Sasquatch

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Anne Reeve Aldrich
Mike Alexander*
Mark Allinson*
David Alpaugh*
Claudia Gary Annis*
Yakov Azriel*
Norman Ball*
Priscilla Barton*
Michael Bennett*
Greta Berlin*
Beverly Burch*
Avraham Burg*
David Burnham*
Debbie Amirault Camelin*
Emery Campbell*
Jo-Anne Cappeluti*
Antonia Clark*
Mary Cresswell*
Hershele Danielovitch
Eunice de Chazeau*
Zainab Elberry*
Tara A. Elliott*
Faiz Ahmed Faiz Translations by Michael R. Burch
Frederick Feirstein*
Michael Ferris*
Henry George Fischer*
Jack Foley*
C. S. Fox*
Louis Emanuel Fynaut
Nicole Caruso Garcia*
Christopher T. George*
Ursula T. Gibson*
Midge Goldberg
Rob Griffith*
Max Gutmann*
Eve Anthony Hanninen*
Simon Harrison*
Corey Harvard*
Jim Hayes*
Robin Ouzman Hislop*
Juleigh Howard-Hobson*
Jeff Holt*
Erin Hopson*
Melanie Houle*
Attila Ilhan Translation by Michael R. Burch
Leland Jamieson*
Moishe Kaufman 
Norman Kraeft*
Paul Lake*
David Landrum*
Michelle Leavitt*
David Leightty*
Kalman Lis
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Duncan Gillies MacLaurin*
Mary Malone*
Harold McCurdy*
Joseph McDonough*
Mary Keelan Meisel*
Dr. Amitabh Mitra*
Fardin Mohammadi
John Morgan*
Arthur Mortensen
Oliver Murray*
Wade Newman*
Kamal Nasser*
Ashok Niyogi*
Peretz Opochinski
Hudson Owen*
Helen Palma*
Simon Perchik*
Gordon Ramel*
Carolyn Raphael*
Jan Schreiber*
Sunil Sharma*
Johnmichael Simon*
Wendy Sloan*
Mike Snider*
Jovica Tasevski-Eternijan*
Don Thackrey*
Hatem M. Titi*
Miryam Ulinover Translations by Michael R. Burch
Richard Vallance*
Sandy VanDoren*
Yitzkhak Viner Translations by Michael R. Burch
Renée Vivien Translations by Michael R. Burch
Kevin Walzer*
Colin Ward*
Agnes Wathall*
Marc Widershien*
James Wilk*
Joyce Wilson*
Douglas Worth*
Marly Youmans*
Ed Zuk*
The Coronation Stone/Jacob's Pillar
Essays & Assays
Mandela, Tutu and Carter on Palestine
Michael, Wonderful and Glorious
Best Poetry Translations
Best Political Poems and Epigrams
"Who the Hell was Furkan Dogan, and Why Should We Care?"
"jesus hates me this i know" by Michael R. Burch
Best Political Epigrams
Where Angels Fear to Tread
"American Warmongering"
Best Rock Lyrics
AFTER by Sharron Rose
Religious Epigrams
Featured Long Poems
Viral Poetry
The Glob Blog

(The pages above were viewed 100 or more times)

What have we learned so far? First, readers are looking for topical poems on particular subjects: the Holocaust, the Nakba, epigrams, and so on. Also, it's obvious that celebrities have an advantage: readers are looking for poems by or about people like Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein and Ronald Reagan. But there is still plenty of activity on the pages of poets we consider among the best we've published, including Robert Mezey, X. J. Kennedy, Yala Korwin, T. Merrill, Richard Moore, Luis Omar Salinas and A. E. Stallings. The biggest surprise so far is our high rankings with Google for search terms like "Best Poems," "Epigrams," "Holocaust," "Nakba," "Hiroshima," and "Darfur."

The HyperTexts