The HyperTexts
Osama bin Laden, Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and the Twin Terrors:
Should Americans Demonize Osama bin Laden?
by Michael R. Burch,
an editor and publisher
of Holocaust and Nakba poetry
When Osama bin Laden was killed, the code name assigned him by the United States
government was Geronimo. I think this should give us cause to pause, and
think. In their day, Native Americans like Geronimo and Sitting Bull were
labeled "savages," "criminals," "terrorists" and "insurrectionists" by the US government
and media. But of
course the US government was stealing their land and natural resources, and
causing Native American women and children to suffer and die in large
numbers. To cause the death of an innocent is, in a word, murder. To cause
innocents to die in large numbers is genocide. To drive them from their native
land is ethnic cleansing. These are the worst crimes
known to humanity. So who were the real
criminals? Obviously, the crimes of the US government came first, and caused the far
greater suffering and death. Were Geronimo and Sitting Bull "evil" because they
forcefully resisted what was happening to their women and children, or were they
men driven to the brink of extinction who chose to fight back?
What happens if a tiger is defending its cubs and
you back it into a corner? Of course you're in for a
world of hurt. Well, man is the ultimate predator and when we threaten the women
and children of men like Geronimo, Sitting Bull and Osama bin Laden, there can
be terrible consequences.
Today the majority of Muslims (including Osama bin Laden and other extremists,
but also including more than a billion Muslims who have never attacked anyone)
claim that the governments of Israel and the US are guilty of the ethnic
cleansing of Palestine, which has led to untold suffering for millions of
completely innocent women and children, and to many thousands of premature
deaths, which at the best would constitute murder and at the worst,
If you are unfamiliar with the real history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict,
or have been told that Israel is "only defending itself," please read
Albert Einstein's 1948
letter to the New York Times, then click your browser's "back" button to return to this page.
If you want to understand how the the theft of Palestinian land relates to Israel's new offensive
against Gaza, known as Operation "Pillar of Defense" or "Pillar of Clouds," please click here
Amud Annan "Pillar of Fire." If you want to hear the
opinion of the former U.S. president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who
negotiated peace talks between Israel and Palestinians, please click here
Jimmy Carter:
"Israeli policy is to confiscate Palestinian territory."
Of course most Israeli Jews and Americans do not want to confront the man in
the mirror and ask the difficult question, "Was
9-11 the result of Israeli and American injustices that took place during the
ethnic cleansing of Palestine, which has been ongoing for 60+ years and
continues to this day?" Most white Americans of
Geronimo's day also refused to look in the mirror, which led him to say:
The soldiers
never explained to the government when an Indian was wronged, but only reported
the misdeeds of the Indians.
Sitting Bull also spoke eloquently on the subject:
What white man can say I ever stole his land or a penny of his money? Yet they
say that I am a thief.
What white man has ever seen me drunk? Who has ever come to me hungry and left
me unfed? Who has seen me beat my wives or abuse my children? What law have I
What white woman, however lonely, was ever captive or insulted by me? Yet they
say I am a bad Indian.
Sitting Bull was pointing out that he had been
framed, so that white men would have excuses to steal his people's land. Today
we know that he was telling the truth, but how many white Americans were willing
to admit the terrible truth at the time? When white Americans refused to
confront the man in the mirror, the result was a series of massacres. Was 9-11
something similar?
Throughout history when racists have elected to steal the land and natural
resources of other people, they have attempted to justify their actions by
claiming to be "superior" to their victims and implying they "had it coming"
because they were hopelessly "inferior." But we should never take the word of
racists who are robbing, raping and killing other people. Instead, we should
investigate and ponder the facts ...
So was Geronimo a "terrorist" as his detractors claimed? Here are some of his
I was living
peaceably when people began to speak bad of me.
We [the Apaches] took an oath
not to do any wrong to each other or to scheme against each other.
I was warmed by
the sun, rocked by the winds and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes.
I cannot think
that we are useless or God would not have created us.
There is one God
looking down on us all. We are all the children of one God. The sun, the
darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
When a child, my
mother taught me to kneel and pray to God for strength, health, wisdom and
Sometimes we prayed in silence, sometimes each one prayed aloud; sometimes an
aged person prayed for all of us.
I was born on the
prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of
the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures.
Does he sound like an "evil" man, or a "savage"?
Today we know that Geronimo and Sitting Bull had
been demonized for a specific purpose: to make it possible for white
supremacists to
steal their land while making it seem that they were "the problem." This is the
second-oldest profession, after prostitution, and unfortunately it remains a
booming business to this day.
I am an editor and publisher of Holocaust and Nakba poetry, so of course I do
not condone acts of terrorism. Obviously, I do not agree with the methods of Osama bin
Laden. However, I am a student of history and I understand the plight of the
Palestinian people and how the governments of Israel and the US
have combined to create the Nakba (Arabic for "catastrophe"). This new Holocaust has
caused millions of Palestinian women and children to suffer
terribly, with large numbers of them dying unjustly and prematurely. Like Native
Americans, they too
have been victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Osama bin Laden tried to
defend them by fighting fire with fire. If he was wrong to kill innocent women
and children, how are the
governments of Israel and the United States not even more wrong, since their
injustices came first, and affected vastly more innocent women and children?
Before I discuss Osama bin Laden and the "Twin Terrors" of
Islamic Jihad and American Militarism, I'd like to share some quotations by
Sitting Bull and a few observations about them. I believe we can learn important
lessons for our own time, by considering the words of the great Sioux chieftain.
My Cherokee ancestors walked the Trail
of Tears, so I feel a great deal of empathy for Sitting Bull and his people.
Having studied his life and words, I have come to believe that Sitting Bull was a great man
and a wise man. He was
a man who wanted peace and was slow to take up arms, but in
the end he refused to watch his
women and children suffer
and die without trying to defend them. But please consider the man
in his own words and form your own opinions.
But first, please read the
statement below, by Osama bin Laden, while considering this fact: at one time Americans "knew"
that Sitting Bull and his warriors were "evil" . . . only that wasn't
really the truth. In Sitting Bull's day, Americans had been told, and
were telling themselves, something very different from the truth. Is it possible
that today we once again purport to "know" things that are not entirely true,
or even close to true? Have we once again subscribed to the convenient,
prevailing fictions that make us seem like the "good guys" even when
our government practices terrible injustices because it values
land, natural resources, global influence and military power above the lives and
happiness of innocents? Here is what Osama bin
Laden said about the 9-11 attacks:
"Allah knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers but after the
situation became unbearable and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the
American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, I thought
about it. And the events that affected me directly were those
of 1982 and the events that followed ― when America allowed the Israelis to
invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed
towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me to punish the unjust the same way (and) to
destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and
stop killing our children and women."
In one of the most chilling moments of my life, I read a diary entry by Ronald
Reagan, dated 9-11 eighteen years prior to the attacks on the Twin Towers. In that diary entry, Reagan said that the US Sixth Fleet shelling
Lebanon could be construed as an act of war. Obviously, bin Laden did consider it an act of
war. [You can read the Reagan diary entry online, using Google Books. Or go to
Google and do a search for "This could be seen as putting us in the war."]
It is a terrible thing when men cause women and children to suffer and die because they lust after
land, natural resources, global influence and military power. Most Americans
claim to "know" that Osama bin Laden was "evil"
because he killed women and children. But according to
bin Laden, Israeli
Jews and
Americans had killed Palestinian and Lebanese women and children first. Is evil
somehow not evil when our government kills women and children? Why do we call
other people "terrorists" while ignoring our government's acts of large-scale
terrorism in support of brutally racist regimes like Israel's, and in search of "cheaper"
oil and "more secure" oil fields?
What would Americans do if other nations caused our women and children to suffer
and die in large numbers? What would we do if other nations tried to control our
oil fields? Are we the only people who are allowed to protect our loved ones and
to say that our land and natural resources belong to
us and are not the "interests" of other nations?
Bullies don't respect the rights of other people. If a bully starts a fight and
get his nose bloodied, rather than admitting he was wrong, he'll mindlessly seek
"revenge." Isn't this what happened in the Middle East, really? First, Israel
and the US threw their weight around for 53 years, causing Palestinians a world
of hurt. Finally, Osama bin Laden retaliated, making Americans
feel the Palestinians' pain. Then, rather than admitting we were wrong,
we retaliated with a vengeance, invading Afghanistan and Iraq. To this day most
Americans have never asked or attempted to answer the simple question, "Why were
we attacked on 9-11?" Instead, like any bully, if someone opposes us, we just
assume it's our right to break their teeth.
And what about
Sitting Bull and his warriors? Yes, they ended up killing white civilians.
But how many Native American women and children had been dispossessed, humiliated, raped and
killed by white Christians, first? Doesn't something seem terribly wrong here?
Should men who call themselves "Christians" kill innocent women and children,
then call other men the
Devil when they try to defend them? After all, Jesus Christ deplored hypocrisy
and there can be no greater hypocrisy than terrorizing innocent women and children, then
calling their defenders "terrorists."
Clearly in Sitting Bull's day, men on both sides of the conflict were committing atrocities. But
whose atrocities came first? In retrospect, we know the first and
worst crimes were those committed by the US government and white Christians. American
Indians largely reacted against crimes that had been committed against
them. But what if this is also true of 9-11? Is it possible that Americans were
attacked because of crimes their government committed against Palestinians
beginning in 1948, then against Iran in 1953 when the CIA engineered a coup
against the democratically-elected government of Iran, in order to protect
American and British "interests" in Iranian oil fields?
In retrospect, most
Americans would say that, while it was terrible for white civilians to die at
the hands of American Indians, we can certainly understand why the Indians went on the
warpath. They were not the red devils they had been painted to be, and even if
they were, there were plenty of white devils who stole Indian land at every possible opportunity,
while calling themselves "Christians." As we read the words of
Sitting Bull below, we can see the dilemma he and his people faced. To
steal land from people who depend on that land for life is murder, pure and
simple. But then Muslims can point out that this is precisely the
position the Palestinians face today, as evidenced by these maps:

If white Americans were killing Sioux women and children by sealing their land, then obviously Sitting Bull was not the only villain,
if he was a villain at all. The greater villain,
by far, was the racist, white supremacist government of the United States. Perhaps Sitting Bull
was a hero, if there are any heroes in war. Perhaps there
aren't, or perhaps "hero" is the wrong word. But please consider his
words and see what you think:
Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly
received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their
Every seed is awakened, and all animal life.
It is through this mysterious power that we too have our
being, and we therefore yield to our neighbors, even to our animal neighbors,
the same right as ourselves to inhabit this vast land.
Sitting Bull doesn't sound like an evil man to me. He and his people had
simply been pushed too far by the
government of the United States, to the brink of extinction. Today Palestinians claim the same thing:
that the governments of the United States and Israel have pushed them
too far, have taken too much of their land, and have left them with no way to provide for
themselves. When men see their land being stolen and their women and children
suffering and dying before their eyes, even the noblest and most peace-loving
ones may decide they have no choice
but to "fight fire with fire."
This is one of the great ironies of human history: that
Sitting Bull wanted peace, not war. But when he finally chose to fight, George
Armstrong Custer and his troops were taught a terrible lesson. Is it
possible that something similar happened on 9-11? Here are other quotations of
Sitting Bull:
Each man is good in the sight of the Great Spirit.
It is not necessary for eagles to be crows.
I am a red man. If the Great Spirit had desired me to be a
white man he would have made me so in the first place.
He put in your heart certain wishes and plans; in my heart, he
put different desires.
Is it wrong for me to love my own? Is it wicked for me because
my skin is red? Because I am Sioux? Because I was born where my father lived?
Because I would die for my people and my country?
Sitting Bull was not a white Christian. He claimed God did not make him a white
Christian, or desire him to be a Christian, and he was firmly convinced that it was not necessary for him to
conform to the white man's vision of who and what he should be. Was he "wicked"
because his skin was red, or because he loved his own people, the Sioux? Today the
government of the United States seems once again intent on forcing other people
to fit its mold of who and what they should be. But our government seems barely
able to manage its own affairs. How can we be so sure that we know what is
best for other people, whose desires and ideals may be vastly different from our
Strangely enough, they have a mind to till the soil, and the
love of possessions is a disease in them.
The white man knows how to make everything, but he does not
know how to share it.
White men seemed as alien to Sitting Bull as he, no doubt, seemed to them.
Sitting Bull found it strange that white men could be so productive, and yet not know how
to share what they produced. Perhaps he had a point. Today our government seems intent on
controlling what does not rightfully belong to it: Middle Eastern oil fields. Obviously, Iraq had no WMDs and never posed a military threat to
the United States. But then why did we invade Iraq? The main reason was
Iraq's oil
fields. But the price of oil has only soared since we destabilized the
region and the entire world with our bizarre attempt to "shock and awe" Muslims into
submission. How many of the people that we killed were actually "terrorists"? Very few.
We killed far more women and children than the "terrorists" did. Was
cheaper oil the result? No. So perhaps Sitting Bull was right.
What treaty that the whites have kept has the red man broken?
Not one.
What white man can say I ever stole his land or a penny of
his money? Yet they call me a thief.
What white man has ever seen me drunk? Who has ever come to me
hungry and left me unfed? Who has seen me beat my wives or abuse my children?
What law have I broken?
What white woman, however lonely, was ever captive or insulted
by me? Yet they say I am a bad Indian.
Sitting Bull had been demonized by white settlers, the white government
and the white press. According to him, this was pure propaganda. Did
people slander him and his tribe just because they wanted to take land without
paying for it? Now Palestinians say the same things, claiming Israeli
and American propaganda is being used to justify the theft of their land. Time and time again, throughout history, when powerful
people have wanted to take advantage of weaker people, they have said terrible things about their
victims, in order to justify the atrocities they intended to commit. This happened
to Native Americans at the hands of white settlers. It happened to black
Americans at the hands
of white slaveowners. It happened to Jews, Gypsies and Slavs at the hands of
Nazis. It happened to black South Africans at the hands of white South Africans.
Now it is happening to Palestinians at the hands of Israelis and Americans. I
suppose we shouldn't be surprised, but one would hope that in the 21st century
our behavior would be much improved.
I was very sorry when I found out that your intentions were
good and not what I supposed they were.
This nation [the United States] is like a spring freshet; it overruns its banks
and destroys everyone in its path.
They want us to give up another chunk of our tribal land. This is not the first
time or the last time.
Only seven years ago we made a treaty by which we were assured that the buffalo
country should be left to us forever. Now they threaten to take that from us
There are things they tell us that sound good to hear, but
when they have accomplished their purpose they will go home and will not try to
fulfill their agreements with us.
Sitting Bull accused white men of acting in bad faith, intentionally. Now many
Palestinians accuse Israel and the United States of deliberately acting in bad
faith, time and time again. I'm sorry to say that I believe them, but I've
read some of the "offers" Israel has presented to the Palestinians,
and they strike me as being just like the "offers" the United States made Native
Americans. One particularly noxious "offer" made by Israel was a demand that the Palestinians end all violence,
without Israel being required to reciprocate. Who in their right mind would
agree to such terms?
When I was a boy, the Sioux owned the world. The sun rose and
set on their land; they sent ten thousand men to battle. Where are the warriors
today? Who slew them? Where are our lands? Who owns them?
Sitting Bull asked us to consider the evidence of our own eyes, rather than
racist propaganda. Who massacred the Sioux? Who stole their land? The proof, as
the saying goes, is in the pudding. Anyone who looks at maps of Palestine can
see and understand what has happened to them. I ask you to consider these maps

What happened to the land? Before
1948, the Palestinians owned over 90% of the land. No one paid them for it, but
now the vast majority of the land ostensibly "belongs" to Israel. Was this magic, or
did someone take the land without paying a fair price for it? Anywhere else in
the world that's called "robbery" and is against the law. The land the
Palestinians lost represents life to multitudes of women and children. If the
governments of Israel and the United States conspired to take land
from them, and that land represents life, how is this not murder, ethnic
cleansing and genocide?
Now that we are poor, we are free. No white man controls our
This is the conundrum Israel faces today. The more land it steals from the
Palestinians, the freer they become. But innocent women and children are
suffering and dying, so that freedom comes at a terrible price. It also comes at
the price of the souls of Israel and the United States. I don't believe
in causing innocent women and children to suffer and die. Do you? If not, then
perhaps you will agree with me that the price is far, far too high. How can any
civilized nation afford such a terrible price?
If I agree to dispose of any part of our land to the white
people I would feel guilty of taking food away from our children's mouths, and I
do not wish to be that mean.
Therefore, I do not wish to consider any proposition to cede any portion of our
tribal holdings to the Great Father [i.e., to the president of the United
Americans don't seem to understand why Palestinians don't just "pack it in,"
give up their land, and leave. After all, Israeli Jews claim that God gave them the land.
Most Christians agree, and who can argue with God? But
of course white settlers once claimed it was their "Manifest Destiny" to own the
land of the Indians "from sea to shining sea." They claimed God wanted
them to have all the land. Of course the Indians disagreed. And of course the
Palestinians don't agree that God "gave" their land to the Jews. What would you
do if I showed up at your doorstep and said, "God wants me to have your house,
free of charge"? Of course you would call me mad. Obviously, God doesn't give one
person the deed to someone else's house. "The land" is not something that can
be handed from one race to another, because "the land" consists of hundreds of
thousands of small parcels of land, all owned by individuals. What nation can
rely on the "word of God" to determine the rights to those individual
parcels of land? To say God "gave" land to any living person is illogical. How can
we possibly know which person gets what? How can we know if a person is telling
the truth when he says, "This parcel of land is mine, because God said so"? No
judge would give your house to me, because I asserted that God wanted me to have
it. So why should Palestinians surrender their land, homes and property, just
because Jews and Christians make the irrational claim that God "gave" the
land to someone else thousands of years ago, when no Jew or Christian would
surrender his own land, home or property on such an assertion?
You think I am a fool, but you are a greater fool than I am.
I suspect Sitting Bull was right. He sounds quite sane to me. The people who
seem crazy, in retrospect, are the white settlers who claimed God was on their
side, and that it was their "Manifest Destiny" to rob the Indians and drive them
to the brink of extinction. What sort of God condones ethnic cleansing and
So how can we call millions of Palestinians "religious fanatics" because they don't agree with
the bizarre idea that God "gave" their land to someone else? Are they nuts, or
are we nuts, if we end up fighting World War III so that Israeli Jews can have "free" land at the expense of American and Palestinian lives, and world
peace? To me, that seems like the height of folly. Why not have Israeli Jews
return the land they stole to the Palestinians, or pay them for the land they took, in some
equitable fashion? Wouldn't that make more sense, especially if
another world war was averted in the process?
I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe
to surrender my rifle.
Sitting Bull was famously slow to anger, and to go on the warpath. Having read
his words and having studied his history, I find it hard to fault him. If he
fought, it seems to me that it was because he had no other choice. His only choices
were to submit and die a slave, or to fight and at least have the chance to live as a
free man. If anyone could have averted the massacres that resulted, it was not
Sitting Bull, but the US government. If Native Americans had been
treated equitably, and if the U.S. government had honored its treaties,
multitudes of lives might have been spared on both sides.
I believe
Palestinians find themselves in a very similar
position today. What recourse do they have, if Israelis with
vastly superior firepower, backed by the money and influence of the United
States, choose to keep stealing their land? They might as well
fight, even if it means the end of the world. After all, what do they have to
lose, and where do they have to
If we must die, we die defending our rights.
Patrick Henry said, famously, "Give me liberty or give me death." Do only Americans and
Jews have the right to be free, and to die defending their right to live as free
men? Sitting Bull didn't think so. In retrospect, most Americans would agree
with him. Osama bin Laden obviously didn't think only Jews and Christians have
the right to be free. Are we in the same terrible predicament today that we were
in at
the time of Sitting Bull and the Battle of Little Big Horn? It seems obviously
so, and it is a predicament of our own government's making.
Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make
for our children.
Perhaps Sitting Bull and Osama bin Laden might agree that it is necessary for
Americans to stop killing other men's women and children, if they want their own
women and children to live in peace. I think it's obvious that Sitting Bull did
what he did in a desperate attempt to protect the women and children who looked
to him for protection. And while most Americans don't want to hear it, I suspect
Osama bin Laden felt the same way. He saw Muslim women and children suffering and dying, and he wanted to help them. He understood that Americans were incapable of seeing and understanding
what their government, in conjunction with the government of Israel, was doing.
So he decided to make Americans suffer and die, the same way Palestinians and
Lebanese had suffered and died.
Do I agree with his tactics?
Do I think he was "evil"?
To be honest, I don't know. He said publicly that he attacked the
twin towers because he
was sick of Jews and Americans killing Palestinian and Lebanese women and
Was he right to kill American civilians?
But it was far from "right" for Americans and Jews to kill Muslim
women and children first. In my opinion, the greater sin is ours, because our
conspired to strip the Palestinians of their human rights, their dignity,
their right to
self determination, and of the land they needed to provide for themselves. The
original sin is ours. The greater crime is ours. We need to face the facts, and
admit the truth. Killing innocent women and children is a terrible crime. Being
a Jew, an American or a Christian does not give us the right to harm innocents
because our governments lust after land, natural resources, global influence and
military power.
Was Osama bin Laden "evil"? The convenient, prevailing fictions claim that all
enemies of Israel and the United States are collectively the Devil. But I don't believe the
truth is that convenient, or that one-sided. I shudder when I think of the
crimes committed by my government. I love my country, but
I hate and despise the policies and actions of my government, and those of the government of
Israel. I don't believe in killing women and children. Do you?
I wish my government was not contributing to the ongoing suffering and deaths of
millions of innocent women and children. Could 9-11 and two horrific wars have
been avoided if our government had not played favorites in the Middle East? Yes, I
believe so. If we hadn't poured hundreds of billions of dollars into the racist,
apartheidist state
of Israel, and if we hadn't constantly interfered in the region in a vain,
foolish attempt to "lower" the price of oil, I think we
would be much safer, happier and more prosperous today.
I think we need to consider again whether there is any truth in these statements:
"Allah knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers
but after the situation became unbearable and we witnessed the injustice and
tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and
Lebanon, I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that
of 1982 and the events that followed ― when America allowed the Israelis to
invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed
towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me to punish the unjust the same way (and) to
destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and
stop killing our children and women." ― Osama bin Laden
It seems to me we are confronted with something very similar to what we faced
when we read Sitting Bull's statements. Was Sitting Bull a liar, or did he speak
the truth? Is Osama bin Laden a liar, or did he speak the truth?
If Osama bin Laden spoke the truth, then Israeli Jews and Americans need to look in
the mirror and confront the terrible truth.
Which came first: Islamic terrorism
against innocent Americans, or American terrorism against innocent Muslims? Perhaps it's time to "put on our thinking caps" and ask a few simple
questions, and try to answer them honesty, since the lives of our children may
depend on the answers we arrive at . . .
Was Osama bin Laden wrong to harm and kill innocent Americans?
Of course!
But then wasn't it wrong for Jews and Americans to harm and
kill innocent Palestinians?
Well, duh, of course.
When is it permissible for men to abuse and kill women and children?
Then why have the governments of Israel and the United States colluded
to deprive millions of Palestinians of human rights and dignity, and of the
protection of fair laws and fair courts, for sixty years, since the Nakba
("Catastrophe") of 1948? Millions of completely innocent Palestinian women and
children have suffered terribly as a result, and God knows how many tens of
thousands or hundreds of thousands have died prematurely. How is this not woman
and child abuse, and murder? How is it not ethnic cleansing and genocide?
Gee, duh, did we do that to them?
Well, yes, anyone who studies what happened to the Palestinians from the time
Winston Churchill became British Colonial Secretary in 1920, to the present day,
can see that the suffering and deaths of multitudes of completely innocent
Palestinians (who never did a thing to harm any Englishman, American or Jew) can
be placed squarely at the feet of the governments of Great Britain, the United States
and Israel.
We were the bullies who kept hitting innocent women and children in the face,
breaking their teeth, and in all too many instances, killing them. Then when
Muslim men responded in kind, we called them the Devil. This is what bullies do. If
they're bigger and stronger than someone else, they push and shove them around.
If someone else shoves back, a bully never stops to ask why. If he wasn't a
bully by nature, he wouldn't have pushed and shoved other people around in the
first place.
Of course I do not condone what Osama bin Laden did. But I understand why he did
it. His options were limited. Women and children he cared about were suffering
and dying. For sixty years all the world had watched the
suffering of the Palestinians, and no one had lifted a finger to help them, even
as the
governments of Britain, the United States and Israel hypocritically preached the
glories of democracy while breaking the teeth of innocent women and children.
It makes me sick to my stomach. I love America. But if I were to put myself in the shoes
of Muslim men, how would I feel? Of course I would want to get my hands on
Americans and knock some fucking sense into their thick heads.
Today we face the Twin Terrors of Islamic Jihadism and American Militarism. Which
came first? Americans clearly threw their weight around in the Middle East long
before Muslim men started fighting back. I have always hated and despised
bullies, so I refuse to accept my government becoming a global bully, especially
when the people being abused include millions of innocent women and children. I
love America, but I hate what my government has become, by in descending to the
level of the lowest of the low: a woman and child abuser.
Mike Burch
If you are a student, teacher, educator, peace
activist or just someone who cares and wants to help, please read
How Can We End Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Forever?
and do what you can to make the world a safer, happier place for
children of all races and creeds.
The HyperTexts