Sarah Palin's Resignation Speech (Edited for Clarity)
Vanity Fair decided to edit Sarah Palin's resignation speech, to
whip it into publishable shape and to help her not seem like such a
dim bulb. For instance, did Americans fight for freedom
"centuries ago," or was it just 233 years ago at the time of her
resignation? I'm reminded of Michelle Bachmann saying that the
American founding fathers ended slavery. George W. Bush made multiple major
grammatical errors while talking about the need for better
education. How do these D-minus students end up running the country?
Here's an example of the serious errors Palin routinely makes in her speeches
and other communications:
I want Alaskans to really be able to grasp
(understand) what can be in store for our state (our
state's history and potential). We were purchased as a territory because a
member of President Abraham Lincoln's (Andrew
Johnson's) Cabinet, William Seward, he
providentially saw in this great land vast riches(,) and
beauty and (a) strategic (location) placementon the globe an opportunity. He boldly looked north
to the future, but he (only to) endured
such ridicule and mocking (mockery) for
his vision for Alaska. Remember the adversaries? The
scoffed and they called this (what his detractors called) "Seward's
The plethora of corrections on Palin's complete resignation speech below
illustrate what a poor thinker, writer and speaker she is.