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Paul Ryan Nicknames
Paul Ryan Jokes
Paul Ryan Quotes

This page contains the best Paul Ryan nicknames that I have been able to find, plus a few that I came up with myself.

Paul Ryan nicknames have been coined by Donald Trump, Mitt Romney's staff, George W. Bush, Stephen Colbert, Dan Rather, Steve Bannon, his classmates, and Esquire.

Related pages: Donald Trump: 666 Mark of the Beast, Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?

Paul Ryan is the Eddie Munster of American politics. But to his credit, he grew up and became a man willing to stand up to Don the Con aka Donald Trump.

Newsweek called Paul Ryan's decision not to run for reelection in 2018 a "Titanic, tectonic shift." We think it was more of a Teuton-ic shift, and perhaps a shaft engineered by Hair Hitler

My favorite Paul Ryan joke: Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and Any Rand walk into a bar together and order drinks. The bartender serves them tainted alcohol because they have gotten rid of all regulations. They die. Good riddance. Now there is hope of decent governance again.

Related page: Rand Paul Nicknames

Top Ten Paul Ryan Nicknames

Trump's Cheerleader (Dan Rather)
The Know-Nothing and "a curse to the Republican party" (Donald Trump)

What a difference an attempted coup makes! Paul Ryan went from being Trump's Cheerleader (Dan Rather) to calling for the GOP to reject Trump, which resulted in Ryan being called "a curse to the Republican party" by Trump.

The Boy Scout (Donald Trump)
Cub Scout
Club Scout
Boy Spout
The Brown Noser (he was voted "Biggest Brown-Noser" by his graduating class in 1988; he grew up to brown-nose Trump before finally becoming a man and standing up to him)
House Speaker and Cyborg Learning to Smile Paul Ryan (Stephen Colbert)
Gilligan (allegedly this is what Mitt Romney's campaign staff called Paul Ryan behind his back)

Eddie Munster, Beaver Cleaver, Eddie Haskell, Alfalfa, The Little Rascal

Enabling Weasel (Laura Clawson), The Fiscal Weasel, Trump's Lap Weasel, Weasel Boy, Human Vermin

Ryan Rand (Ayn Rand is his hero), Aryan Ryan and The A-ryan, Ayn Ryan, The Randite, The Aryan Ayn Rand Paul, The Randroid, Ryan Roboto, The Paulbot, Paul Borg

Lyin' Ryan
Cryin' Ryan
Pious Paul
Paul Ruin

The Nana Killer, The Granny Killer, Zombie-Eyed Granny-Starver (Charles Pierce of Esquire), The Cra$$ A$$hole, The Soup Kitchen A$$a$$in

"Stonewall" Ryan (because he never gets anything done while stonewalling progress)
Ryan's Nope (Paul Ryan says "nope" to decency, equality, tolerance and justice)
Ryan's Hopeless
Blue-Eyed Snidely Whiplash Wannabee

The Stench
Rathole (George W. Bush)
Squeaker of the House
Squeaker of the Mouse

The Serial Biller, Sir Spendalot, Pampered Paul Ryan

Paul Pot (pun on Pol Pot), Petty Paul, Petite Paul, Puny Paul, Pitiful Paul

Paulie, Paulie Walnuts

Rising and Trending Paul Ryan Nicknames

Dying Dog (Donald Trump, as quoted by Cliff Sims)
Ducknuts, Lame Duck, Lame Ducknuts

Dishonorable Mention: The Trump Enabler, The Trump Whisperer, Mr. 1%, Limp-Dick MF-er (Steve Bannon), P.D. (his middle name is Davis), Piddles, Puddles, Small-Ball Ryan, The Wear Wolf, The Wallflower, The Brander, The Cutter, Cutty Snark, Failin' and Flailin' Ryan, Fryin' Ryan, Sighin' Ryan, Zion Ryan, The Janesville Juvenile, Neanderthal Paul Ryan, Loser Paul, The Teenage Werewolf, The Irish Undertaker, Professor Ryan, Professor Powerpoint, Darth Ryan, Beetlebrow, Paul Putz, Ryan Retard, Budget Badger, The Janesville Joker, Gabe from the Office, The UberNeuman, Split Romney, Spit Romney, Shit Romney, Mitt Robbed Me, Soup Kitchen Ryan, Milhouse Van Houten, The GOP's Golden Boy, BS Boy, The Mansplainer, Flyin' Ryan, Wisconsin's Worst Export, Little Cheesehead, The Retiree, Paul Pottymouth, NRA Stooge, The Third Stooge

Paul Ryan Quotes

But the reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand. And the fight we are in here, make no mistake about it, is a fight of individualism versus collectivism. Speech at a 2005 Atlas Society event (video at Atlas Society blog)

Josh Smith: But specifically where you stand when it comes to rape, and should it be legal for a woman to get an abortion if she's —
Paul Ryan: Yeah, well, so I'm very proud of my pro-life record, and I've always adopted the idea — the position that the method of conception doesn't change the definition of life. WJHL interview, 2012-08-23

“There is no moral relativism when it comes to neo-Nazis,” Ryan said in a Facebook post. (A message Trump apparently did not get.)

Paul Ryan Jokes

See the Paul Ryan quotes above.

Paul Ryan: “The press absolutely misunderstands and never records the big accomplishments of the White House. Look at all the jobs President Trump has created, just among the White House staff!”

Paul Ryan: “Every morning I wake up in my office and I scroll through Twitter to see which tweets I will have to pretend I didn’t see later on.”

Related pages: Famous Nicknames, Donald Trump Nicknames, Melania Trump Nicknames, Jared Kushner Nicknames, Ivanka Trump Nicknames, Donald Trump Jr. Nicknames, Eric Trump Nicknames, Anthony Scaramucci Nicknames, Mitch McConnell Nicknames, Jeff Sessions Nicknames, Steve Bannon Nicknames, Sarah Huckabee Sanders Nicknames, Judge Roy Moore Nicknames, Kellyanne Conway Nicknames, Joe Arpaio Nicknames, Rand Paul Nicknames, Donald Trump Cabinet Nicknames, Marco Rubio Nicknames, Ted Cruz Nicknames, Mitt Romney Nicknames, Donald Trump: 666 Mark of the Beast, Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?, The Donald Trump Bible, The Best Donald Trump Puns, The Best Donald Trump Insults, Fact-Checking Trump, Donald Trump Funny Campaign Slogans and Parodies, Donald Trump Halloween Ideas, Donald Trump Poetry, Donald Trump Inauguration Poetry, Donald Trump Curtsy or Bow?, Ten Reasons to "Fire" Donald Trump, Donald Trump Violence Quotes, Trump Trivia, Is there a Republican War on Women?, Conservatives Who Support Gay Marriage, 2016 Republican Debate, Ted Cruz Quotes, The Best Ted Cruz Jokes

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