We will begin with currently trending Trump nicknames, followed by our all-time top ten
Trump nicknames.
Arlington-inspired Trump nicknames:
The Abomination of Desecration (Michael R. Burch)
The "Nothing is Holy" Asshole (Michael R. Burch)
Little Donnie Desecrator (Michael R. Burch)
Velveeta Voldemort (Stephen Colbert)
Delusional Donald (Ralph Nader)
Limp Dick McButterface
A Gagglefuck of Dipshits (Trump and his posse)
Tweety and the Parrot-Troopers (ditto, coined by Tom Merrill)
Debate-inspired Trump nicknames:
Don of the Dead (Drudge Report)
Little Donnie Disaster Polls
Ball of Con-fusion (Michael R. Burch)
Mr. Weak and Wrong (Kamala Harris)
At their first debate Kamala Harris got under Trump’s skin by saying people
leave his rallies early “out of exhaustion and boredom” and by painting Trump as
a bad businessman for inheriting $400 million “on a silver platter” but then
filing for bankruptcy six times. She also chidedi Trump for being “fired by 81
million people” and now being “confused” about losing.
Currently Trending
Rignoramus (Jimmy Kimmel)
The Big Drip
The Big Dripper
Trump said there is a giant faucet in Canada with a giant handle that it takes
all day to turn, that is diverting water from California into the Pacific Ocean.
Of course there is no such thing.
Man-Baby nicknames:
Little Donnie Two-Scoops
Baby Trumpkins (the Brits)
Donald the Menace
Man-Baby (Jon Stewart)
"This sad, embarrassing wreck of a man-baby." —
George F. Will
Morbidly Obese Man-Baby (Nancy Pelosi)
Old Yeller (Kristi Noem
aka the South Dakota Animal Assassin)
Septuagenarian Toddler
Senile Man-Baby
Trump thinks Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi, that he ran for president against
Barack Obama, that there were airports during the Revolutionary War, that
stealth fighters are invisible to the human eye rather than radar, and is
therefore obviously senile.
Donnie Demento
Little Donnie Dementia
The Crazy Train CONductor
Trump "hush money" trial nicknames:
The Incredible Shrinking Ex-President
The Uncredible Mr. Limpet (Michael R. Burch)
Orange Turd (Stormy Daniels)
Toadstool Tool (Stormy Daniels)
Daddy Bad Wadd (Stormy Daniels)
Broke Dick (Stormy Daniels, a cute double entendre, both sexual and financial)
Trump's "hush money" trial has inspired amusing dick jokes:
Pecker leaks on Trump!
Pecker strokes Trump's ego!
Sleepy Don
Don Snoreleone
The Orange Snorelax
The Nodfather
Dozo the Clown (Jimmy Kimmel)
Sleeping Broody (Michael R. Burch)
Donald McNodald (Michael R. Burch)
Dip Van Winkle (Michael R. Burch)
Dipshit Van Winkle (Elizabeth Harris Burch)
The Dapper Napper (Michael R. Burch)
The Nappy Nazi, a triple entendre on “nap” and “nappy hair” and British slang
for “diaper” (Michael R. Burch)
Doddering grandpa Trump fell asleep during the first day of his criminal trial in the Stormy
Daniels hush money case. And when doddering grandpa Trump snoozes, he farts.
The Godfarter
The Toot Fairy (Jimmy Kimmel)
Founding Farter (Jimmy Kimmel)
Well Soiled Machine (Jimmy Kimmel)
Tootsie McTootsalot
Farty McFartsalot
President Fart ("trump" is British slang for "fart")
Semi-Sentient Bag of Farts
Rip Fart then Tinkle (Michael R. Burch)
Captain Underpants
Captain Thunderpants
Currently trending Trump nicknames have mostly to do (or doo-doo) with a certain
YUGE stinky undergarment:
Diaper Don and Diaper Donald
Widdle Donnie Piddlepanties (Michael R. Burch)
Widdle Donnie Whinydiaper (Michael R. Burch)
"Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." — Mark
Little Donnie Diaperpants
Little Donnie Doodiepants
Donnie Doody-Butt
Ex-President Poopy-Pants
"The truth always comes out in the end. Trump wears Depends." — Michael R.
Dirty Donnie and Dirty Don (Jimmy Kimmel)
Smelvis von ShitzInPantz (Michael Cohen)
After the diaper-wearing ex-president compared himself to Elvis Presley, his
ex-fixer Michael Cohen began calling him Smelvis von ShitzInPantz.
Alina "Habba Dabba Doo-Doo" is the perfect lawyer for ex-president Smelvis
von Shitzenpants.
— Michael R. Burch
Donald Von Shits-in-Pants (Michael Cohen)
Donald Von Shitzen Hosen (Michael R. Burch)
The Ultimate Sovereign Shitizen (Michael R. Burch)
Trump now faces “Reek-oh!” charges as well as RICO charges. — Michael R.
Accidental Poosquirt (Aldous J. Pennyfarthing)
What type of limo does Trump prefer? A Lincoln Incontinental. — Michael R. Burch Tiny Pickle (Rita Moreno)
Silver screen legend Rita Moreno said a Trump deli sandwich is two slices of
white bread, bologna and a tiny pickle, impugning his manhood, which Stormy
Daniels had previously compared to a mushroom or toadstool.
The Lied Diaper of Shamlin (Jimmy Kimmel)
Sweet Little Baby Trump and Pouty Baby Trump (Alec Baldwin)
Don the Con tried to con-vince voters that he's hale, hearty and fit as a
fiddle, but it turns out he can't control his bowels and depends on Depends to
keep his slacks turd-free.
Tiny Hand Sir (Stephen Colbert)
Sir Leakalot
Sir Pissypanties
Pervert Hoover (MeidasTouch) Abrascam Lincoln
Abrasham Lincoln
Trump received failing grades for his "Gettysburg Wow!" speech in which he
sounded like a fifth-grader who hadn't read the book, calling the famous battle
"interesting" and "beautiful."
Dictator Tot (Jimmy Kimmel)
Bunker Boy (Randy Rainbow)
Donald Trump said: “I came; I saw; I bunkered.”
The Bible Trumper (pun on Bible Thumper)
Shilly Graham (Michael R. Burch)
Felonious Monk (Jimmy Kimmel)
Taint Augustine (Michael R. Burch)
Trump is a grift from God. — Michael R. Burch
Broke Don (Joe Biden)
Don Poorleone
Pied Pauper of Shamlin (Michael R. Burch)
The Gaud Father (Michael R. Burch)
Bad Shrek
Trump is an idol with feet of clay, or, more probably, glitter. — Michael R.
The Woman Trumper
The Diaper-Clad Rapist
The Great Gropesby
Don the Con Sneaker Con Conald
Little Donny Do Nothing (Jimmy Kimmel)
Donny Boo Boo (Jimmy Kimmel)
Donny Bone Spurs (Jimmy Kimmel)
The Crow-MAGA-nonhuman (Michael R. Burch)
Neander-not-so-tall (Michael R. Burch)
Trump Coup Nicknames: POTUS (Prisoner of the United States), Cave Man (Rush Limbaugh), Blarney Rubble (Michael R. Burch), Casino Mussolini
(Samantha Bee), Cheeto Benito, Cheat-o Benito, Incurious Gorge (Captain Sully Sullenberger), King Gorge the Turd (Michael R. Burch), Tsarzan,
Custard's Last Stand, Cheeto Christ Stupid Czar (Randy
Rainbow), Mango Deranged (Michael R. Burch), the Saffron Seditionist,
and Putin's Puppet
"Well, look, you know, I have my own ideas. Putin's not going into Ukraine, OK? Just so you understand. He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down and you can put it down,
you can take it anywhere you want." — Donald Trump aka Putin's Puppet
Trump nicknames have been coined by Alec Baldwin,
Steve Bannon, Samantha Bee, Joe Biden,
Lewis Black, Graydon Carter, Michael Che, Cher, Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton, Stephen Colbert,
George Conway, Ann Coulter,
Ted Cruz, Tina Fey, Al Franken,
Lindsey Graham, Jimmy Kimmel,
Bill Kristol, Jay Leno, David Letterman,
Bill Maher, General James Mattis, John McCain, Michael Moore, Seth Meyers,
Piers Morgan, Trevor Noah,
Barack Obama, John Oliver, Sarah Palin, Rand Paul,
Dan Rather, Randy Rainbow, Nate Silver, Jon Stewart, Roger Stone, Kim Jong Un, and even
by Trump (the amusing "Honest Don") and his
first wife, the former Ivana Trump, who coined The Donald for
his spoiled brat ways.
How the smitey have fallen! Melania Antoinette has been reduced
to stealing her White House shower curtain (but give her an A for ingenuity).
The Donald is rapidly shrinking as he ages, but can't afford
shorter ties that suit his reduced stature. The former power couple have become
objects of global ridicule. So sad!
We also have collections of the best Donald Trump nicknames of Stephen Colbert,
Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah, Samantha Bee, Randy Rainbow, SNL and Aldous J. Pennyfarthing — they're
hoots you won't want to miss! Also, please be sure to check out our
Diaper Donald sections, which begin with this image to make them easy
to find as you scroll down:
Welcome to the largest online collection of Trump-related nicknames, puns and jokes—all completely free and
without annoying ads (we too loathe pop-ups). Now you can astound your friends and confound your political foes with the perfect nicknames for every
occasion! Trump nicknames range from A to Z, from Agent Orange to the Zodiac Biller.
Our favorites include Putin's Puppet, Hair Hitler, Hair Fuhrer, The New Furor,
Tweety, Tsarzan, Conigula and Gingervitis.
The Top Ten Donald Trump Nicknames of All Time
(#10) Little Horn and the Trump of Doom —
adopted from the Bible
(#9) The White Pride Piper
(#8) Man-Baby — coined by Jon Stewart (this one inspired an avalanche of jokes)
(#7) Lord Voldemort, Orange Anus and Snake Oil Salesman — Rosie O'Donnell
(#6) The White Kanye ― coined by Bill Maher
(#5) Fuckface von Clownstick — coined by Jon Stewart
(#4) Golden Wrecking Ball — Sarah Palin (who was not trying to be funny)
(#3) Cadet Bone Spurs — coined by Senator Tammy Duckworth
(#2) Short-Fingered Vulgarian — coined by Graydon Carter
(#1) THE ANTICHRIST — when the prophets spoke of the "Trump of Doom" and a "little horn" were they speaking literally?
Did they give us his freakin' name twice?
Donald Trump is now ahead of Hillary Clinton in the polls. This was just reported in The Washington Post, and 2,000 years ago in the Book of Revelation. ― Conan O'Brien
Dis-Honorable Mention: Agent Orange, Dear Pleader, Don the Con, Gingervitis,
Hair Hitler, Shilly Graham, Taint Augustine, Tweetums, Tweety, TieRANToSOREass
Donald Trump is a chip off the old blockhead. — Michael R. Burch
Trump's grandfather was evicted from Germany for draft-dodging and tax evasion.
His father, Fred Trump, never served his adoptive country, which took him in
when he was a stateless refugee; instead he overbilled its government while
building federal housing projects. Donald Trump continued all three Trump family
traditions: draft dodging, tax evasion and bilking the government.
I have bolded my favorite Donald Trump nicknames, the ones that peg him best...
Don the Con: Michael Avenatti (this is one I use con-stantly)
Sweet Little Baby Trump: Alec Baldwin on SNL
Pouty Baby Trump: Alec Baldwin on SNL
British & Scottish Press:
White House Wanker,
Sex Pest,
Fossil Fool,
Prince of Wails, Prince of Whales, Cockwomble, Orange Shitgibbon, Whey-Faced
Windbag, Baby Trumpkins, Dodgy Don, Witless Fucking Cocksplat
President Tons of Fun: Michael Che on SNL
70-Year-Old Toddler: Charles M. Blow
Barbarian at the Debate: Charles M. Blow
Silver Spoon Scion: Charles M. Blow
The Sophomoric Sniveler: Charles M. Blow
The Great Spewdini: Jim Carrey
Short-Fingered Vulgarian: Graydon Carter Gossamer-Skinned Bully: Graydon Carter
Diaper Donald: Kevin Cavanaugh (this one I shorten to Diaper Don)
Kremlin Asset: James Clapper
Putin Asset: James Clapper
(James Clapper is a former Director of National Intelligence, so we should take
these nicknames seriously.)
Citrus Golem: Jemaine Clement
The Man of Steal: Hillary Clinton Putin's Puppet: Hillary Clinton (another nickname I use quite a
Dangerous Donald: Hillary Clinton
Trolls Galore: Hillary Clinton
President Spanky: Stephen Colbert
Angry Creamsicle: Stephen Colbert Dictator Fan Boy: Stephen Colbert
Godzilla with Less Foreign Policy Experience: Stephen Colbert
Financially Embattled Thousandaire: Gail Collins Broke Dick: Stormy Daniels Cadet Bone Spurs: Senator Tammy Duckworth
Our Baby-in-Chief: Robert De Niro on SNL
Cheez Doodle: Maureen Dowd The Michelangelo of Ballyhoo: David Von Drehle
Prince Trumperdink: Carey Elwes
Last Year’s Rotting Halloween Pumpkin: Vincente Fox, Mexican President
Erotically Incontinent Libertine: Michelle Goldberg
Deeply Disturbing Donald: Nikki Haley
Donny Moscow: Rob Hoadley
Canker Sore: Samuel L. Jackson
President Grabass: Colin Jost on SNL
Active Bioweapon: Colin Jost on SNL
Colludacris: Jimmy Kimmel
The Tandalorian: Jimmy Kimmel
Flabbio: Jimmy Kimmel
Fattyshack: Jimmy Kimmel Quid Pro Combover: Jimmy Kimmel
Putin's Pee
Pee Pal: Jimmy Kimmel Propagrandpa: Jimmy Kimmel
The Lied Piper
of Shamlin: Jimmy Kimmel
Groper-in-Chief: Nicholas Kristof
Two-Bit Caesar: Bill Kristol
God: Jay Leno
Repugnant: David Letterman
The White Kanye: Bill Maher
Douchebag von Fuckface: Bill Maher
Thurston Shitbag the Third: Bill Maher
President Breaking Wind: Sir Ian McKellen
Creep Throat: Seth Meyers
Dishonest Don: Seth Meyers Commodus: Seth Meyers
Cheez Whiz: John Oliver
Toddler Psychopath: John Oliver
Rome Burning in Man Form: John Oliver
Donald Drumpf: John Oliver
America’s Black Mole: John Oliver
Golden Wrecking Ball: Sarah Palin
Delusional Narcissist: Senator Rand Paul
El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago: Charlie Pierce
Career Defendant: Charlie Pierce
Bunker Boy: Randy Rainbow Cheeto Christ Stupid-Czar: Randy Rainbow
Donald: Dan Rather Herr Lugenpresse: Dan Rather
Riptide of Regression: Dan Rather
Flock of Felons: Dan Rather
Mr. Macho: Bernie Sanders
Trumparius: Nate Silver Daft Twerp: Nick Soames
Man-Baby: Jon Stewart
Boiled Ham in a Wig: Jon Stewart
Fuckface von Clownstick: Jon Stewart
Decomposing Jack O’Lantern: Jon Stewart
[Dis]Honest Don: Donald J. Trump
Mr. Brexit: Donald J. Trump
Cheeto Jesus: Rick Wilson
Dishonest Don: Neil J. Young
Covita: Lincoln Project
Captain Chaos: NBC News
Pee Brain: New York Daily News
Rabble-Rousing Demagogue: The New Yorker
Trumpdozer: TIME
King of the Whoppers: USA Today
The Best Trump Nicknames of Stephen Colbert: Tiny Hand Sir, Staff Infection,
Angry Creamsicle, Human-Toupee Hybrid, Spanky, President Spanky, Schmuck à l’Orange, Godzilla with Less Foreign Policy Experience, Dictator Fan Boy, Putin's
Cock-Holster, Orange Manatee, Primo Tool, Rotting Haystack Made of Meat, Weird
Shit, Crazy Donnie, BLOATUS
Trump is a Dictator Fan Boy. He bragged about exchanging love letters with the
murderous North Korean despot Kim Jong-un. When the Russian despot Vladimir
Putin invaded Ukraine and began serial-murdering Ukrainian children and their
mothers, Trump praised Putin, calling him "savvy" and a "genius."
Trump even called Putin's excuse for invading Ukraine "wonderful."
Trump called China strongman Xi "very smart" because he
controls 1.4 billion people "with an iron fist." When Hamas and Hezbollah
attacked Israel, killing over 1,300 people, Trump called Hezbollah "very
smart" while criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and
calling Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant a "jerk." Trump always sides with
the dictators and terrorists, calling them "savvy" and "smart" while calling our
generals "idiots" and insulting our allies.
The Best Trump Nicknames of Jimmy Kimmel: The Tandalorian,
Colludacris, Flabbio,
Fattyshack, Commander in Beef, The Toot Fairy, El Crap-i-tan, Douche-olini, Quid Pro Combover, Putin's Pee
Pee Pal, Propagrandpa, Rignoramus, Mar-a-Lardo, Job Security for Comedians, The Lied Piper
of Shamlin, Miss Led Zeppelin, Darth TaxeVader, Little Donny Do Nothing, Donny
Boo Boo, Donny Bone Spurs, Carrot Flop, Typhoid Donny, Grab-Ass Grandpa, Abrascam Lincoln,
Cheeto Chief, Trumpelstiltskin, Troompa Loompa, Tanny Soprano, Q-A-Don, Dictator
Tot, Dirty Don, Kentucky Fried Covidiot, Fatty Lupone, Pumpkin McPornhumper, Unhappy
Gilmore, Orange Hulk, Hairy Poppins, King Tutan-con-man, Orange Julius Caesar,
Spready Krueger, Dingus Khan, Lie-ger Woods, RegenerDon, Tweety Gonzales,
The Hydroxy Horror Picture Show, Tangerine Twitter Machine, Prisoner-elect, The
Lock-Her-Up-ness Monster, Hungry Hungry Hypocrite, Elephant Man, Felonious Monk,
Dozo the Clown (after Trump fell asleep in court), Yabba Dabba Doofus, Feeble
The Best Trump Nicknames of Samantha Bee: Screaming Carrot
Demon, Orange Supremacist, Casino Mussolini, Largemouth Ass,
Dauphin of Breitbartistan, Idiot Abroad, Complete Fucking Idiot, Failed QVC
Steak Salesman, Two-Bit Used Hate Salesman,
Melting Hunk of Uninformed Apricot Jello, Crotch-Fondling Slab of Rancid
Meatloaf, Sixteen-Month Hindenburg Explosion, Thrice-Married Foul-Mouthed Tit
Judge, Sociopathic 70-Year-Old Toddler, Bottomless Pit of Neediness
The Best Trump Nicknames of Seth Meyers: Creep Throat, Cheap
Throat, Dishonest Don, Commodus, Crazy Roach Guy, Soulless
Ghoul, Colonel Ketchup, Criminally Negligent Sociopath
After Trump nicknamed himself "Honest Don" late night comedian Seth Meyers
observed that no honest person would add "Honest" to his name and that "if
there's a place called Honest Don's in your hometown it's either a used car
dealership or a pawn shop."
The Best Trump Nicknames of Ben Meiselas of The MeidasTouch: Pervert Hoover, Sniffles
The Best Trump Nicknames of Bill Maher: Short Bus, Douchebag von Fuckface, Thurston Shitbag the Third,
Flat-Out Bat-Shit Nuts
The Best Trump Nicknames of Trevor Noah: Cancer in a Wig, Racist Clementine,
Butternut Squash, Cinnamon Hitler,
The Fomentor/Fomenter, Commander-in-Beef, Commander-in-Tweet
The Best Trump Nicknames of Aldous J. Pennyfarthing: The Ocher Abomination,
Accidental Poosquirt, F*cking Lunatic, F*cking Moron, Low-Rent Mashup of Mata
Hari and Mr. Magoo, Confirmed rapist and prank presidential candidate Donald
The Best Trump Nicknames of Randy Rainbow: Bunker Boy, Archie Bunker, Cheeto Christ Stupid-Czar (after, in a single day, Trump called himself the "King of Israel," the "Second Coming"
and the "Chosen One" in a trinity of heresies), Crass Con, Codger, Coward,
Cheeto Lookin' Coochie, Treasonous Crook
SNL's Best Trump Nicknames: The Grim Reaper,
Sweet Little Baby Trump and Pouty Baby Trump (Alec Baldwin), Donny and Tangerine
Tornado (Dana Carvey), The White O.J., President Grabass and Former President &
Current Courtroom Sketch Model Donald Trump (Colin Jost),
President Tons of Fun (Michael Che)
The Best Trump Nicknames of Michael R. Burch: Little Horn, The Trump of Doom, The False Profit, The MESSiah, Gingervitis, The Albino RINO, The Pied Pauper of Shamlin,
Little Donnie No Scoops, Mango Deranged, The Dermagogue, Con Leaky and Con Freaky (puns on Kon-Tiki), P. T. Burn 'Em, King Tootin' Conman,
King of the Falsehood-Riddled Freakout, Le Petit Prince Daisyfingers, Sir Leakalot,
Sir Enhancealot, Sir Pissypanties, Bonnie Prince Bonespurs, Widdle Donnie Whinydiaper,
Widdle Donnie Piddlepanties, Little Donnie Diaperpants, Little Donnie Doody-Butt,
Ex-President Poopy-Diapers, Donald Von Shitzen
Hosen, The Ultimate Sovereign Shitizen, Tower of Man-Baby Babble, Sparkly Princess Trumpelina, Boldfinger, Jack the Gripper, The Holey Roamin' Emperor, The Roamin' Seizer,
Julius Seize
Her, Seize Her Disgustus, Donald Disgustus, Mark Anatomy, His Hineyness King Gorge the Turd, Hair Gropenfuhrer, Der Fuhrer Feltersnatch, Feel Marshall Trump, Little Prince Pussygrabber, The Great
Gropesby, The Great Gutsby, The Gaud Father, Conigula, Condoofus, Stuporman, Captain Shamerica, Captain Crunched, Optimus Grime, Felonius
Punk, Rigger Mortis, The Zodiac Biller, The New York Pork Dork, Shreddy Freeloader, Graft Spree, Gaffe Spree, Uncle Ream US, Comrade Trumputin, Donald Vladimirovich, Trumputin,
Putin's Gambit, Putin's Poppet, Putin's Protégé, Putin's Rasputin, Putin's Ass-Rootin' Rasputin, Tsarzan, The Brooklyn Bolshevik, The Boychurian Candidate, The Snazzy Nazi, Fearless
Pleader, Saddam Le Pompadour, Calamity Mane, Mr. Wiggy Piggy, Genghis Can't, Genghis Con, The Lyin' King, Foxymoron, The Hot Air Buffoon, MAGA MOTORMOUTH, Flabby McFlapalot, Mr. XXXL, Ton-o'-Lard Trump, E Pluribus Loon 'em, The Twitter Terror, Con-way Tweety, POTUS WRECKS, The Hocus Pocus POTUS, TyRANTosaurus Wrecks,
TieRANToSOREass Wrecks, Quasi
Dodo the Hunchback of Notre Shame, The Grate White Wail, The Grate Divider, The Grate Pretender, Alexpander the Grate, Dire Abby (for his bleak relationship advice), Tribalist
Trump, The Hinternationalist, The Mansplainer, Blarney Rubble, Meeky Mouse, The Not-So-Teflon Don, Keeper of the Coconuts, The Hamberdler, The Bible Trumper (pun on Bible
Thumper), Shilly Graham, Taint Augustine, Dope Don Paul, Dope Ply Us the First, Sleeping Broody,
Donald McNodald, Dip Van Winkle, Dipshit Van Winkle, Rip Fart then Tinkle,
Tootsie McTootsalot, Farty McFartsalot, Flabby McFlatulence, The Uncredible Mr. Limpet,
Hair Trumpentroll, The Crow-MAGA-nonhuman, Neander-not-so-tall
Ton-o'-Lard Trump repeatedly insults women he considers to be overweight.―Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition"
Trump is the American Gaffe Spree and also the American Graft Spree.―Michael R.
The Surreal Donald Trump
Demented Sneaker Con (Laurna Leto)
Dementing Don (Matt Drudge)
Tower of Man-Baby Babble (Michael R. Burch)
Batshit Crazy (Piers Morgan)
“President Biden himself personally instructed some of his top
campaign aides to be even more aggressive in highlighting some of President
Trump‘s more inflammatory and wild comments,” CNN senior White House
correspondent MJ Lee said live on CNN. “We‘re told that the thrust of the
president‘s direction was to significantly ramp up the campaign‘s efforts
to highlight the crazy shit that Trump says
in public.”
THE DOTARD (Kim Jong Un)
Donnie Demento (Steve Bannon)
Donnie Dementia (Steve Bannon)
Delusional Narcissist (Rand Paul)
Deeply Disturbing Donald (Nikki Haley)
Dicktater Donnie
Demented Dicktater Donnie
Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson, speaking at the funeral
of Aretha Franklin, lambasted the “orange apparition” for having the nerve and
temerity to claim that the Queen of Soul had once worked for him. “You
lugubrious leech, you dopey doppelgänger of deceit and deviance, you lethal
liar, you dimwitted dictator, you foolish fascist.”
Treasonous Trump Nicknames
We have added
Donald Trump classified documents nicknames: Don John (a less suave and rape-ier
Don Juan), The Tide-y Bowler, The Golden Bowler, Commander Commode, Commodore Commode (Michael R. Burch), Donald
"Port-a-John" Trump (Michael R. Burch), Ex-President Porta-a-Potty (Michael R.
Burch), Ex-President Shit-for-Brains, Buck-Ass-Naked Bozo (Michael R. Burch)
It's official: the Donald J. Trump presidential library will be an outhouse.
— Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition"
Trump Coup Nicknames
Cadet Bone Spurs
Bonnie Prince Bonespurs (Michael R. Burch)
Dictator Fan Boy (Stephen Colbert)
TRE45ONOUS TRUMP (you can't spell "treason" without 45)
Bat Hit Crazy (New York Post)
The Grim Weeper
Dear Pleader
Is our Dear Pleader, as he claims, heroic?
I prefer my presidents a bit more stoic. —Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition"
Captain Asthma struggles to walk down a ramp and can't drink from a glass
Casino Mussolini (Samantha Bee)
Cheeto Benito
Cheat-o Benito
Mango Mugabe
Tangerine Palpatine
The Saffron Seditionist (Michael R. Burch)
Persimmon Satan
Carrot Capone
The Peach Imp (pun on "impeachment")
It's time to impeach
the Peach Imp. —Michael R. Burch
The Fanta Menace
Fanta Ranter
Cheese Doodle
The Banana Republican
Albino RINO
The HIPPOcrit
Trump claims to be for "law and order" and rails against black protesters, but
"loves" white rioters who stormed the nation's capitol building, ripped down
American flags, stole and vandalized government and media property, and incited
a gunfight during a joint session of Congress. In the bloody aftermath five
people were dead, including a police officer, and 50 more officers were injured
after being attacked with fire extinguishers, pipes, chemicals and other
dangerous weapons. According to Republican Senator Ben Sasse, an animated Trump
"wanted chaos on television" and was "confused about why other people on his
team weren’t as excited as he was" about the rioters "pushing against Capitol
Police, trying to get into the building."
Daddy Dearest
The Mansplainer
the reign
in Trump’s brain
falls mainly as mansplain —Michael R. Burch
Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol building include the Zip Tie Guy accompanied by his mother the Insurgency Chaperone, the
QAnon Shaman, Ski Dad aka the Lectern Thief, the Gavel Thief, the Barcalounger, the
Bandana Bandit, the Bear Sprayer, and a whole platoon of Budget Rambos
The GOP has become a confectionery where conspiracy theories are baked, then
sold to the half-baked. — Michael R. Burch aka "The
Loyal Opposition"
So what have Trump's best friends and colleagues said about him?
THE DOTARD (Kim Jong Un)
Donnie Demento (Steve Bannon)
Donnie Dementia (Steve Bannon) IMBECILE (Steve Bannon)
Batshit Crazy (Piers Morgan)
Crony Capitalist (Sarah Palin) Golden Wrecking Ball (Sarah Palin)
Gigantic Douchebag (Ann Coulter)
Disgusting Donald (Nikki Haley, in Politico)
Deeply Disturbing Donald (Nikki Haley)
Futureless Donald (Nikki Haley)
Race-Baiting Xenophobic Religious Bigot (Lindsey Graham)
Death Spiral Donald (Rick Santorum)
Orange-Faced Windbag (Rand Paul)
Delusional Narcissist (Rand Paul)
Pathological Liar (Ted Cruz)
The Fifth-Grader (General James Mattis, the US Defense
Secretary, deriding Trump's ignorance on important matters of state)
Terrible Human Being (White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney)
Caesar Disgustus
Seize Her Disgustus
POTUS Disgustus
Donald Disgustus (Michael R. Burch)
Don Juanabe
IMPOTUS (George Conway) POTUS (Prisoner of the United States)
Meeky Mouse (Michael R. Burch)
Limp Dick Donald
In the end the POTUS proved to be the IMPOTUS. A channel for the Proud Boys said
Trump had thrown Capitol rioters “under the bus” and called QAnon “a Bolshevik
lie.” Meanwhile, QAnon-ers began to question whether they were victims of fraud
and false prophecies, as Trump staggered off like a punch-drunk prize fighter
unable to make it through the last round, with only 200 people to see him off
and Vice President Mike Pence attending the Biden inauguration rather than
Trump's pitiful departure. Later, Trump would reveal himself to be Meeky
Mouse after getting the Covid vaccination in secret after claiming to
be "immune."
Total Failure (Proud Boys)
The Weakling (Proud Boys)
The Shill (Proud Boys)
Trump's former supporters the Proud Boys have now
branded him a failure, a weakling, a liar and a shill.
The Lyin' King
The Pinocchio President (he told 30,573 lies as president, according to Washington Post
His Hineyness
King Gorge the Turd (Michael R. Burch)
The American founding fathers risked their lives to escape the madness of King
George the Third, only to have 70 million of their descendants embrace the madness of
King Gorge the Turd.
Don the Con
Deadbeat Donald (Dan Rather)
Rick Santorum said in a televised interview that for two months he and others
reached out to the White House, trying to keep DEAF CON 1 from
his "death spiral" of election conspiracy theory insanity, but Don the
Con would only listen to people who agreed with his lies. In an
interview with Politico, Nikki Haley called Trump "disgusting" and
"deeply disturbing" and without a political future because he had "let down" the
country. Haley said Trump's seditious actions after the election "will be judged
harshly by history." She also pointed out that Trump is a loser both politically
and in his "suffering" businesses, which may explain why Deadbeat Donald
won't pay his bills. Haley harshly berated Trump for stabbing Mike Pence in the
back and said she now refuses to speak to Disgusting Donald.
Mitch McConnell aka the Napping Turtle awoke from his normal
lethargy to say: "There is no question former President Trump bears moral
responsibility. His supporters stormed the Capitol because of the unhinged
falsehoods he shouted into the world’s largest megaphone. His behavior during
and after the chaos was also unconscionable, from attacking Vice President Mike
Pence during the riot to praising the criminals after it ended." According
to Al Rosen, Steve Bannon thought Donald Trump was suffering from early-stage
dementia and campaigned covertly to remove him from office via the 25th
P. T. Burn 'Em (Michael R. Burch)
The Man of Steal (Hillary Clinton)
Felonious Punk
Felonious Punk committed a series of felonies when he tried repeatedly to trump
80 million votes with his lies.
Punk Ass Bitch (PAB)
Daddy Dearest
The Not-So-Teflon Don
The Rubicon Don
The Mar-a-Lago Mafioso
El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago (Charlie Pierce)
The Miami Mafia (collectively, since his children are relocating to Miami)
The Gaud Father (Michael R. Burch)
Rather than giving Americans a deal they can't refuse (they already did refuse when
they fired him), the Gaud Father is now trying to force his Refuse Deal (i.e., sheer
reeking shit) on them.
The New York Confederate
The Brooklyn Bolshevik
The Banana Republican
Trump Esperanto Nicknames
Inga Johansson pointed out that Trompi in Esperanto means "to deceive."
A deceiver in Esperanto is Trompulo. Inga said, "If you know French
then it is clear what the name Putin means. Also in Esperanto - Putino
- So the mother of Putin was a Putino. Also, I just heard Michael Cohen say Colludy
Rudy Giuliani. In Esperanto his name is more fun: enjoy his anus - ĝui lian
anuson - kiel li fartas? Also rudiment - A remnant of a
reduced organ, having lost its function during development."
The Trump of Doom
OMG, in a single day Trump claimed to be the King of Israel, the Second Coming of God and the Chosen One!
Trump's first federal budget deficit
was 666 billion dollars. Trump's family purchased the
Babylonian tower at 666 Fifth Avenue, a street that symbolizes money (Mammon). The Trump Tower is 203 meters tall, or
666 feet high. On the Ides of March, the day the
Roman republic became a dictatorship, Trump had 666 delegates.
Lawyers trying to reunite the families say Trump separated 666 migrant children from their parents. Trump was born on a blood moon. His ancestor who started the Trump family business
died on 6-6-6. Her name was Elizabeth Christ Trump. Elizabeth means "oath"
or "vow" so her name literally means "vow for Christ
to be trumped." Is it just me, or are we living in a real-life Omen movie?
Be sure to check out our expanded collection of The Best Trump Nicknames of Aldous J.
Pennyfarthing, in the second section below the next cartoon!
Donald Trump Election Nicknames, or, more correctly, Trump
De-Election Nicknames
Sad Little Prince Petulantpanties
Le Petit Prince Daisyfingers
Baby Fingers Trump
Sir Leakalot
Sir Liesalot
Sir Pissypanties
Liddle Donnie Disaster Panties (he keeps sh-ting them)
Widdle Donnie Whinydiaper
Little Donnie Two-Scoops
Whiny the Pooh
Donald the Menace
Little Donnie Destructo L'Enfant Terrible
Terrible Tyke Trump
Man-Baby (Jon Stewart)
This sad, embarrassing wreck of a man-baby. —
George F. Will
Toddler Trump
Petulant Child (Dana Nessel)
Morbidly Obese Man-Baby (Nancy Pelosi)
Sweet Little Baby Trump and Pouty Baby Trump (Alec Baldwin on SNL)
Bunker Boy
Bunker Baby
Karma Boomerang Man-Baby (Michael Cohen)
The World's Most Dangerous Man-Baby (Mary Trump)
A Collection of the Best Donald Trump Nicknames of Aldous J.
The Ocher Abomination (Aldous J. Pennyfarthing)
Accidental Poosquirt (Aldous J. Pennyfarthing)
Gormless Sack of Fruit Bat Scrotums (Aldous J. Pennyfarthing)
Off-Brand Butt Plug (Aldous J. Pennyfarthing)
Asshat (Aldous J. Pennyfarthing)
Christmas Haggis Inexplicably Brought to Life by Frosty's Magic Hat (Aldous J.
The Perfect Circus Orangutan Diaper from Plato’s World of Forms (Aldous J.
Fucking Lunatic (Aldous J. Pennyfarthing)
Fucking Moron (Aldous J. Pennyfarthing)
Please be sure to read all the "for sale labels" in the next cartoon
— they're a hoot! In his YUGE and beautiful "Fired Sale"
(TM), Trump is even getting rid of his personal lap poodle, Flimsy Lindsey
Graham Cracker. But to comply with truth-in-advertising laws, the
"Border Wall" should be re-labeled "Rickety Border Fence" and MAGA should be
explained to mean "Make America Grate Again" (Trump has always been an
atrocious speller).
The Donald may tweet from sun to sun,
but his spellchecker’s work is never done.
Trump Has-Been Nicknames and Never-Was Loser Nicknames
Donny Do Nothing (Jimmy Kimmel)
Little Donny Pass the Buck
Deep Denial Donnie
Deep Denial Donnie claimed that everything he said that led to
a mob attack on a joint session of Congress which resulted in five deaths and 50
injured police officers was "totally appropriate."
The Mad Hatter (a president shilling overpriced ball caps, really?)
The Great Wall Builder (but it turned out to be a BLUE WALL)
Sore Loser (Jim Acosta)
The Ultimate Loser
Trump is the Ultimate Loser because he turned $413 million in
free money from his father into over a billion in six bankruptcies, then became
the only president to lose the popular vote twice, the second time with a record
80 million votes against him. He then proceeded to lose a world record 60
consecutive election lawsuits. Later he failed in his attempted coup and lost his
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and the 2022 PGA Championship.
Scotland, his mother's homeland, even refused to let him play golf on his own
golf course. He is now the only president to be impeached twice. So sad!
DJT = Donald Jabroni Trump
Shreddy Freeloader (Michael R. Burch)
Downcast Trump (The New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch)
Downcast Trump is a double entendre because Trump was cast down
by millions of voters and is now downcast (i.e., whining and crying like a baby).
Dis-Honorable Mention Trump Nicknames: Angry Creamsicle, Cadet Bone Spurs,
Cancer in a Wig (Trevor Noah), Captain Chaos (NBC), Casino Mussolini (Samantha Bee), Cheeto Benito and Cheat-o Benito, Creep Throat (Seth Meyers),
Don the Con, The Teflon Con, DEAF CON 1,
(John Oliver), Fragile Soul (Ted Cruz), The Gaud Father (Michael R. Burch),
IMPOTUS (George Conway), God (Jay Leno), Gossamer-Skinned
Bully (Graydon Carter), Hydroxymoron (Jimmy Kimmel), Incurious Gorge (Captain Sully Sullenberger),
The Lyin' King, The Man of Steal (Hillary Clinton), Orange Julius (The Nation),
C, Terroristic Man-Toddler (Charles M. Blow), The Donald (Ivana Trump),
Tiny Hand Sir (Stephen Colbert), Trumplethinskin, Tweety Trump, Two-Bit Caesar (Bill Kristol), Vanilla ISIS, World's Greatest Troll (Nate Silver),
Darth TaxeVader (Jimmy Kimmel),
Tie-Rant-O-Sore-Ass Rex (Michael R. Burch),
The Blunderful Wizard of Was (Michael R. Burch), Liddle Donnie Diaperpants
(Michael R. Burch), Widdle Donny Whinydiaper (Michael R. Burch)
Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Lin Brown nicknames: The Four
Dorkmen of the Apocalypse, The Flub Four, The Four Blusterteers and The Crackpot
Krakens (Michael R. Burch), The Keystone Flops, The Far Slide
Trump administration nicknames: Crazytown (General John Kelly), Zoo Without
Walls (Reince Priebus), Staff Infection (Stephen Colbert), Amoral Flying Monkeys
(Keith Olbermann), Monster's Ball (David Axelrod), The Grifters (Valerie Plame),
The Washington Denial Machine (Bob Woodward), The Hapless Incompetents (Ryan
Cooper), The Bazaar (Bob Corker), The Bizarre Bazaar (Michael R. Burch)
A Collection of the Best Donald Trump Nicknames of Randy
Archie Bunker
Bunker Boy
Cheeto Christ Stupid-Czar (after, in a single day, Trump called himself the
"King of Israel," the "Second Coming" and the "Chosen One" in a trinity of
heresies) Bitch
That Quid Pro Quo Girl White Nationalist Weekly centerfold and President of the United States,
Donald Jessica Trump
Poor Deplorable Troll
Orange Garbage Can
Life after Trump
Since he lost the 2020 election with a record number of rejection slips, Don the Con can retire to cheat at golf
and plot revenge on Faux News,
Donnie Dunce Jr. can fly around the world shooting endangered sheep in
their sleep, Melania Antoinette can write the
tell-all book that frees her from her role as a Stepford wife, ICE
Princess Ivanka can get back to using her looks to sell knock-offs at
vastly inflated prices, Jarring Jared can keep buying loser
properties at vastly inflated prices and go bankrupt like his father-in-law, and
Eric the Shred can become the poster boy for abused
ventriloquist dummies. The rest of us can finally return to some semblance of
normalcy without the ADDumbs Family killing us with their
abysmal ignorance.
Will the people of Florida elect Donnie Dunce Junior as their governor?
Will the people of Florida elect ICE Princess Ivanka as their senator?
Will the people of Florida appoint Eric the Shred to be the poster boy for
abused ventriloquist dummies?
The answers to these questions are: NO, NO and YES. —Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition"
Floriduh is the perfect state of residence for Trump. After all, Trump is
florid in both face and speech, and he favors duh-mock-racey as his political
system. Also, thanks to the warm Florida sun, the Great Trumpkin can now save
tons of money on that ghastly orange pancake makeup. ― Michael R. Burch aka "The
Loyal Opposition"
Trump residence nicknames: Mire-a-Lago, Merde-Lago, Mierda Largo, Mar-a-Lego,
Mar-a-Loser, the Winter White House, the Winter Shite House, KKKaddy ShacKKK,
Rednexit, Covid Junction, The Old Rage Home
Check out our newest nickname pages for
Badass Ruth
Bader Ginsburg aka The Notorious R.G.B. and Secretary of Dead-ucation
Betsy DeVos aka
Cruella DeVile and DeVil DeVos.
Cadet Bone Spurs loves a military parade, but he doesn't want
wounded warriors to be included with those embarrassing missing limbs, and he called courageous soldiers who answered
the call of duty and died in France "losers" and "suckers."
These vile insults by the double-dealing draft-dodger
Donald have been confirmed by Jennifer Griffin of Fox News, the Associated
Press, and other news services. And these new insults align with others
made on the record by Trump when he called America's
highest-ranking generals "dopes," "babies" and "pussies." If Trump thinks and
talks about our top generals like that, what can we expect him to say about the
lower ranks?
Cadet Bone Spurs
The Cadet Who Would Be King (Michael R. Burch)
The Spaced-Out Cadet
Liddle Donnie Bonespurs
One of Trump's "losers" and "suckers" is 95-year-old WWII veteran Harvey Hafter,
who spoke with evident pride of serving his country on a PT Boat, then let the
Demander-in-Chief have it with both barrels: "Boy is he a
loser! What has he done? Other than screw up, and that's exactly what we called
them in the Navy: a Foul-Up, Top to Bottom. He can't insult us
and get away with that kind of nonsense! Who does he think he is, that
Draft Dodger? He's a coward! And I'd call him so to his face! I wish he
were here right now! I'm five-foot-six. I weigh 135 pounds soaking wet. And I
challenge him. Any way he wants: pistols, swords, fists. Any way he wants,
'cause that kind of an insult, I won't stand for it! And neither will any other
service person. Who does he think he is? Whatever chance he had of getting a
vote from me is gone. I want someone who's calm, quiet and not a
Loud-Mouth, an Empty Barrel. I want Joe Biden. That's
Foul-Up, Top to Bottom (Harvey Hafter)
Fuck-Up, Top to Bottom (Harvey Hafter)
Draft Dodger Donnie (Harvey Hafter)
Loud-Mouth Empty Barrel (Harvey Hafter)
Screw-Loose Screw-Up (Michael R. Burch)
Olivia Troye, a former top homeland security coronavirus adviser for Mike Pence,
said working under Trump was "terrifying," that he downplayed the coronavirus
crisis, and that he called COVID a good thing because "I don't have to shake
hands with these disgusting people."
THE DOTARD (Kim Jong Un)
Dotage of a Dotard (Kim Jong Un)
Captain Outrageous (CNN)
Captain Contagious
Donald Trump became his own Deep Throat by spilling the beans to Bob
Woodard in a series of 18 on-the-record taped interviews. Trump loaded the
Smoking Gun, shot himself in both feet, handed it as evidence
to Woodward, and is now hobbling around on the bloody stumps.
The old saying “loose lips sink ships” comes to mind with
Trump. He runs his mouth until it runs him aground. ― Michael R. Burch aka
"The Loyal Opposition"
Deep Throat
Deep Bloat
BLOATUS POTUS (Biggest Loser of All Time)
Obese Turtle (Anderson Cooper)
Stumpy Trumpy
MAGA MOTORMOUTH (Michael R. Burch)
Loose Lips Loser
As Daily Kos pointed out, "Covid has made it more difficult" for Trump
"to hold his patented Nurenmberg-style odes to white supremacy." So what did
Trump do over the Labor Day weekend? He played golf, then attempted to prove
that he "loves" our war heroes by once again viciously attacking a
dead war hero, John McCain!
Viral Donald
The Covid Hominid
The Superspreader
Well, it finally happened: Viral Donald, formerly the world's
greatest COVID denier, became infected himself. The coronavirus doesn't
affect 99% of Americans, according to Don the Con, so he is
remarkably unlucky. And if it's just the "sniffles," why was Con Hair
airlifted to Walter Reed and pumped full of exotic medications? Is it possible
than Conny Donny has been less than honest with us? “As of this
afternoon the President remains fatigued but in good spirits,” White House
physician Sean P. Conley announced in a memo. Sleepy Joe sends his condolences!
The common denominator in the White House infections is the
Superspreader-in-Chief himself, Donald J. Trump. The first three Trump
insiders infected were The Donald, the apple of his eye, Hope Hicks, and his
wife Melania Antoinette. Is the president Patient Zero?
Con Hair
Patient Zero
Captain Covid
Dysfunctional Donald (Mary Trump)
Later, Mar-a-Lago became an epicenter of the pandemic, had to be locked down,
and has now been renamed Mire-a-Lago.
Mary Trump said The Donald "could not function in the real world on his own." He
received $413 million from his father and still ended up in bankruptcies for
over a billion dollars, making him America's biggest loser.
The real "self-made man" in the Trump family was his father, Fred
Trump. In reality, Don the Con is a Self-Made Sham.
Felonious Punk
Delusional Donald (Carl Bernstein)
The Dynamite Behind the Door (Bob Woodward)
Toxic Trump
Mum's the word! Trump has become so toxic to voters that seven Republican
senators in tight races did not mention him in their ads.
Millions of Americans marched
to protest Tiny Man Trump's creation of a Tiny Man
Square in the heart of the American capitol.
Bunker Boy
Bunker Baby
Tiny Man Trump
The Tank Tot
Generalissimo Trump
The Pretend President
The Shameless Sham
His Holey-ness
The MESS-iah (Michael R. Burch)
In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 100,000 Americans dead
and the death toll rising inexorably every day, Generalissimo Trump
ordered rubber bullets, flash grenades and tear gas to be fired at peaceful
protesters so that he could have his freakin' picture taken
like a third world dictator! This was a ploy so foul even
Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci objected, tweeting: "Trump
fired tear gas and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters so he could get a photo
op in front a church that didn't want him there, holding a Bible from which he
cannot name a single verse, all to prove he's not a coward hiding in his bunker
again. A perfect encapsulation [of Trump being Trump]."
This picture is proof positive that
Trump is Coronavirus in Human Form! ... er ... make that
Coronavirus in Semi-Human Form! The
virus is actually oozing from Trump's pores! Or has Trump had one too many
golden showers?
Partially Sentient Spray Tan Residue
Screaming Carrot Demon (Samantha Bee)
Decomposing Jack O'Lantern (Jon Stewart)
Human-Urine Hybrid #666 (Michael R. Burch)
Urinal Explosion Byproduct #666 (Michael R. Burch)
Trump Coronation Nicknames
King Corona
The Madness of His Hineyness
King Gorge the Turd (Michael R. Burch)
The Lyin' King
Dubious Caesar
Julius Seize Her (Michael R. Burch)
Alexpander the Great (Michael R. Burch)
Conigula (Michael R. Burch, emphasis on "con")
Genghis Cant (pun on "can't" and "cant")
Bling the Merciless (Michael R. Burch)
The Lord of the Blings
Bling Midas
King Bling
The Son King (it was Trump's father who made him rich; pun on "Sun
The American Dauphin (Michael R. Burch)
King Leer
King Rat
King of the Whoppers
The Kingpin
His Grand Ignorancy
King Con (pun on King Kong)
Ole King Coal
King Tut (because Trump makes people who prize decency go "Tut, tut, tut!")
If it looks like a Troll and sounds like a Troll and trolls like a Troll ...
Bad Shrek
The Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue (Nobel Prize economist Paul Krugman)
The Nightmare on Helm Street (Michael R. Burch)
Der Trollenfuhrer
The Peach with the Bleach and a Brain out of Reach (Michael R. Burch)
The Flipped-Out Flip Flopper (Michael R. Burch)
President Procrastinate
The Unpatriotic President (Michael R. Burch)
Trump now says it is patriotic to wear a mask, although he refused to do so for
months. That makes him The
Unpatriotic President.
The Man of Steal (Hillary Clinton)
The Super Duper
The Lone Deranger
Trump was finally seen wearing a mask in public, after months of mocking other
people for wearing them, so call him the Lone Deranger.
The Incredible Bulk
Con Man the Barbarian (Michael R. Burch, after Trump abused refugee
Captain Shamerica (Michael R. Burch)
Captain Tantastic
Captain Underpants
Captain Thunderpants
Chaos Optimus Grime (Michael R. Burch)
The Toxic Avenger
The Orange Pimpernel
The Invisible Sham (Michael R. Burch)
We must give the Trumpian Devil his due. Stuporman has one
superpower that might qualify him as an idiot savant: he has the amazing ability
to make Bush Junior seem wise and Tricky Dick Nixon virtuous.
The Teflon Con
Don the Con
Don the Con has been killing Americans with his lies and ignorance:
Trump lied and lied and lied
Americans died and died and died.
―Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition"
These are Trump nicknames coined by the people who know him best
— his family, friends and co-workers:
Clown (Maryanne Trump Berry, his older sister and a retired federal
P. T. Barnum (Maryanne Trump Berry said her brother "is" P. T. Barnum, the con
man who saw everyone else as tools to be used and suckers to be played)
The World's Most Dangerous Man-Baby (Mary Trump)
Fred Trump's Monster (Mary Trump)
Heartless (Mary Trump)
According to Mary Trump, after her father had the heart attack that would kill
him, Donald Trump didn't go with him to the hospital and didn't visit him, but
instead went "to the movies."
Imbecile (Steve Bannon)
Idiot (General John Kelly)
Moron (Secretary of State Rex Tillerson)
The Morbidly Obese Man-Baby (Nancy Pelosi)
That yellowish-orange corona of "hair" is a dead giveaway ...
Trump Coronavirus Nicknames
Hydroxymoron (Jimmy Kimmel)
Staff Infection (Stephen Colbert)
Deer in the Headlights (Joe Biden)
"When the coronavirus came, Trump froze like a deer in the headlights."—Joe
Biden campaign ad
The Enabler (Andrew Cuomo)
Donald Debacle (Andrew Cuomo)
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo blasted Trump for
his ludicrous claim that 99% of coronavirus cases are "totally harmless." Cuomo
accused Trump of "enabling the virus" when he "makes up facts" in deceitful
attempts to deny the current crisis exists. "He is facilitating the virus,"
Cuomo said. "He is enabling the virus by statements like that. And you're seeing
the infection rate go up, and you're seeing the economy suffer, and he is part
of that current debacle that we are in."
Flat-Out Bat-Shit Nuts (Bill Maher)
Germophobic Trump (Maureen Dowd)
Dangerously Delusional Donald ("To defeat the pox: quick, inject Clorox!")
The Clorox Heterodox ("To end all gridlocks, gargle with Clorox!")
The Clorox Warlock ("To reclaim the Boondocks, let them eat Clorox!")
The Clorox Fox ("Outfox the pox: kill yourself first with Clorox!")
The Lysol Tyro ("Since death is the goal,
mainline Lysol!")
The Borax Lorax ("To immunize your thorax, destroy it with Borax!")
Mr. Clean ("No vaccine? Just chug Mr. Clean!")
The Bleached Peach ("Is a cure out of reach? Fumigate your lungs, with bleach!")
Mad King Clorox
Death Toll Donnie
Mad Dog Donnie
Little Donnie Dementia
Ditzy Donnie
President Sunbeam ("Ditch the parasol and the spray tan aerosol!")
President Brain Drain ("Down the Drain-o with Old NoBrain-o!") Batshit Crazy (Piers Morgan)
Piers Morgan, a former Trump friend and supporter, was unfollowed by Trump after
Morgan called his brainstorm to inject coronavirus patients with lethal
disinfectants "batshit crazy."
However, it seems unfair to bats to compare their innocent feces to Trump. In
his latest act of sheer imbecilic insanity, the Giddy-ot wants
to paint his nonfunctional wall black, at a staggering cost, on the theory that
it will be too hot to touch. Apparently Trump has never heard of an obscure
thing called "night." ― Michael R. Burch aka "The
Loyal Opposition"
This sad, embarrassing wreck of a man-baby. —
George F. Will
The picture above―the earliest known image of The Donald―is evidence that he was suckled in Emperor Palpatine’s romper room.
Now in the American Game of Thrones, he is Donald Littlefinger,
a master of lies, deceit, treachery and treason.
He's a Man-Baby. He has the physical countenance of a man, and a baby's temperament and tiny hands. ― Jon Stewart
The Best Trump Nicknames of Michael R. Burch: Little Horn, The Trump of Doom,
The False Profit, The MESSiah, Gingervitis,
Cheeto Magneto, Carrot Capone, Orange-Vanilla ISIS, Persimmon Satan, The Saffron
Seditionist, The Albino RINO, The Dermagogue, Baby Fingers Trump, Le Petit Prince Daisyfingers, Sir Leakalot, Sir
Pissypanties, The Human
Urinal, Sparkly Princess Trumpelina, Boldfinger,
Jack the Gripper, The Snatchural, The Holey Roamin' Emperor,
Julius Seize Her,
Seize Her Disgustus, Donald Disgustus, Mark Anatomy,
The Roamin' Seizer,
Hair Gropenfuhrer,
Der Fuhrer Feltersnatch, Feel Marshall Trump, Groper Cleave Hand, The Great Gropesby, The Great Gutsby, The Gaud Father, Conigula,
Condoofus, The
Wrath of Con, Con Man the Barbarian, The SillyCon Boob, Stuporman, Captain Shamerica, Optimus
Grime, The Invisible Sham, The Not-So-Teflon Don, Felonius Punk, Rigger Mortis, The Zodiac Biller, The New York Pork Dork,
Uncle Ream US, Comrade Trumputin, Donald Vladimirovich
Trumputin, Putin's Gambit, Putin's Poppet, Putin's Protégé, Putin's Rasputin, Tsarzan, The Brooklyn Bolshevik,
The Boychurian Candidate, The Snazzy Nazi, Hair Hitler and the Whigs, Drumpfenstein, Der Trollenfuhrer,
Fearless Pleader, Saddam Le Pompadour, Calamity Mane, Mr. Wiggy Piggy, Genghis Can't, Genghis Con, Bling the Merciless, Ole King Coal, The Lyin' King, Foxymoron, Malice in Blunderland,
The Blunderful Wizard of Ahs, Widdle Donnie Whinydiaper, Little Donnie Diaperpants, Shark Dressed Man-Boy, The Shillsbury
Dough Boy, The Hypocritic Oaf, The HIPPOcratic Oaf, The Hot Air Buffoon, The Bouffant Buffoon, E Pluribus Loon 'em, Tweety Blurred, The Twitter Terror,
Conway Tweety, Tweety and the Twits, POTUS WRECKS, The Hocus Pocus POTUS, TyRANTosaurus Wrecks, Tie-Rant-o-Sore-A$$ Rex, The West Wing-Nut, Demander-in-Chief,
Quasi Dodo the Hunchback of Notre Shame, Ronald McDonald Trump-Bozo, Bizarro Bozo, The Grate White Wail,
The Grate Wail of China, The Grate Divider, The Grate Pretender, Alexpander the Grate, The Poll Cat, The
Tirade Warrior, Mr. Freeze, the ICEman, the vICEman, Dire Abby (for his bleak relationship advice),
Tribalist Trump, The Hinternationalist, Blarney Rubble, The Crow-Magnon,
The News Fakir, CDC-Neutering Death Merchant, Orange Corona-ed Virus Infecting
Mankind, Typhoid Tweety, The Leaning Tower of Visa, DC
Landfill, President
Sunbeam, The Peach
with the Bleach and a Brain out of Reach, The Bleached Peach, The Clorox Heterodox, The Clorox
Warlock, The Clorox Fox, The Lysol Tyro, The Borax Lorax, Mr. Clean, Down the Drain-o with
Old NoBrain-o, Meeky Mouse, The Giddy-ot, The IMPerial Pleader,The
Tulsa Trainwreck,
The Bad Example Man-Baby, The Unpatriotic President, President Procrastinate,
The Nightmare on Helm Street,
Waffle Iron Without Mettle, The Flipped-Out Flip Flopper, The Cadet Who
Would Be King, MAGA MOTORMOUTH, Shreddy Freeloader, P.
T. Burn 'Em and His Three-Bling Circus, Coupé de Devil (a pun on Coupé de
Ville), Coup de A$$ (a pun on Coup de Grâce), Ton-o'-Lard Trump, The Last Shocking Episode of
Celebrity Apprentice President
Nancy Pelosi's "seal" of disapproval was the highlight of Trump's lie-filled, self-glorifying State of
the Union Address. The Pelosi clap-back came in a meme-able moment after Trump whined about "the
politics of revenge" even as he wallowed in it.
Little Donnie Two-Scoops
Donald the Menace
Felonious Punk
Whiny the Pooh
The Part-Time President
Sarah "Suckmypee" Sanders explained away
Truant Trump's "executive time" as
his need to have a "more creative environment." All those golf vacations are
like a kindergartner's recess! Watching TV for hours on end is like Sesame
Street! Shutting down the government for a month is like time out! But perhaps
we're better of with a Part-Time President, considering how
much damage
Felonious Punk could do if he worked full-time!
According to witnesses, Little
Donnie Two Scoops was delighted by roadblocks for his motorcade,
exclaiming gleefully: "The roads are closed for me!"
Fragile Man
Mr. Inappropriate
The Bogeyman
Call him Fragile Man after Trump tweeted "Wasn't I a great
candidate!" while the nation mourned the deaths of 17 children in the Parkland, Florida
high school shooting. While visiting the devastated community Trump was photographed grinning and flashing thumbs-up
signs, so call him Mr. Inappropriate. A few
days later, the slaughtered students apparently forgotten, Trump hammed it up at
CPAC, saying "everything is wonderful" while praising the NRA and leading cheers
for the Second Amendment. Then as the frightened child survivors marched
for their lives, Trump took yet another golf vacation, so call him The Bogeyman.
The president has zero psychological ability to recognize empathy or pity in
any way. — former White House
chief of staff Reince Priebus
He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off
the rails. We’re in Crazytown. —
former White House chief of staff General John Kelly
Trump is a "terrible human being." — former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney
In England the Prince of Wales met the Prince of Wails.
The picture above makes me think of one of my Trump nickname coinages:
The Hot Air Buffoon.
White House Wanker
Sex Pest
Fossil Fool
Prince of Wails
Prince of Whales
Orange Shitgibbon
Whey-Faced Windbag
Baby Trumpkins
Dodgy Don
Witless Fucking Cocksplat
Scottish and British Nicknames for Trump: President Fart
("trump" is English slang for "fart"), American Idiot, sTRUMPet, Crumpet, Nutless Nutter, Orange Arsehole, The Shamerican President,
Tweeting Twat Twit, Tosser Trump, Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey (formerly reserved for the French), Gormless Gerrymanderer,
Toupéed Fucktrumpet, Witless Cocksplat, Diaper Don,
Daft Cow, Mangy Mingebag, Feckless Lip Flapper, Mad as a Bag of Ferrets, Barmy
Blowhard, Plug-Ugly Hairpiece, Chav (white trash), Numpty, Fascist Tangerine,
Spoon (because he can't be trusted with a knife and fork), Huffy Wee Fuckin Bampot, Mangled Apricot Hellbeast
Q: What do you call it when a Man-Baby takes over the American government?
A: Coup d'Tot!