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Hope Hicks Nicknames

This page contains the best Hope Hicks nicknames that I have been able to find, plus a few that I came up with myself, along with some choice nicknames for Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Anthony Scaramucci, Mitch McConnell, Steve Bannon, Jeff Sessions, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Judge Roy Moore, Kellyanne Conway and other Trump family, friends, associates and lapdogs ...

Related pages: Donald Trump: 666 Mark of the Beast, Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?

(Photo: Little Brown and Company)

Is sexy Hope Hicks the "It Girl" of Trump's dreams? So it seemed, until she committed the unforgivable sin in Trump's eyes. Then she was his Shit Girl. Trump wasn't upset that Tricky Hicky had lied, but he was furious that she admitted lying to Congress. According to Erin Burnett, Trump berated Hopeless Hope, calling her "stupid" for telling the truth about her white lies, and that's the reason she became a "Puddle of Tears" and resigned. Hope had been called Trump's "Real Daughter" with Ivanka being his "Real Wife" and the "Real First Lady" according to White House insiders. If so, it's worth noting that Trump called both his daughters a "Piece of Ass" or a "Piece of Tail." When Howard Stern asked Trump if it was okay to call Ivanka a "piece of ass," Trump told him to go ahead. Later, Trump called Hope the "best piece of tail" his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski had ever had. Such a charmer, that Trump!

To show how bad things have become for Trump, he has reenlisted Hope Hicks as his latest Miss Coronavirus and Miss Misinformation.

Top Ten Hope Hicks Nicknames ... Oh Hell, Make It a Baker's Dozen!

Tricky Hicky (she admitted telling "white lies" to protect her Sugar Daddy)
Hopester (Donald Trump)
Hopie (Donald Trump)
Huckster Hicks
Hopeless Hicks, Hopeless Hick, Hopeless Hope and Hopeless Liar
Hicks from the Sticks (Michael R. Burch) and Hicks from the Styx (Michael R. Burch)
The Hickster
Piece of Tail (Donald Trump, per Michael Wolff)
Stupid (Trump, after she admitted lying to Congress)
Stupid Piece of Tail (Trump, after putting it all together)
The Press Dreck-retary (Michael R. Burch)
The High Schooler (John F. Kelly)
The Stepford Factotum (Michael Wolff, GQ)

The Stupor Model (Michael R. Burch)
The Duper Model (Michael R. Burch)
The Super Muddle (Michael R. Burch)

Miss Misinformation
The World's Worst PR Person (Donald Trump)
The Speechless Spokesperson (Michael R. Burch)
The Trump Whisperer
The Trump Hisser
The Trump Enabler

Hope Hicks, a prime advocate of the "Let Trump be Trump" school of thought (using the term loosely, of course), is the ultimate Trump Enabler.

Brick House Hicks (she is nicely built)
Hippy Hicks
Hipster Hicks
The Bra-Optional Propagandist

The Spin Mistress
The Spinster
The Spinstress
Spinner of the Dark Web
The Black Widow
Mistress of Darkness

The Cipher
The Walking Dead (her mother said, "She has no life!")
The Untouchable Hope Hicks (POLITICO)
Hope Against Hope (The New Yorker)

Dopey Hopie
Hopey-Changey Girl
Hope Beyond Hope
Dumb as a Stone (Steve Bannon, after hearing about the now-infamous Donald Trump Jr. "Russian adoption" email)
Rope-a-Dope Hope (Michael R. Burch)
Grope-a-Dope Hope (Michael R. Burch)

Trump's Nanny
Trump's Diaper Changer
Keeper of the Golden Pacifier
Trump's Security Blanket

Gossip Girl (she did a cover for Gossip Girl)
The "It" Girl and The Shit Girl
Vague Girl (she appeared in Vogue)
The Super Duper Model (Michael R. Burch)
The Cover Girl
The Cover-Up Girl
The Under-the-Covers Girl
Grope Dicks (Allan Ishac)

Trump's De Facto Daughter
Sugar Daughter
The Stepford Stepdaughter (Michael R. Burch)
Ivanka Lite
Trump's Surrogate Daughter
Trump's Real Daughter (Michael Wolff)
Trump's Third Daughter
First Babe
Trump's Right-Hand Girl

Lil' White Liar
Little White Liar
The Female Scaramucci
Female Loki
Snake Goddess

Lewandowski's Flame
Rob Porter's Main Squeeze
Trump's Temptress
Donald's Flame
The Ultimate Trump Insider
The Ultimate Inciter
The Ultimate Inside-Her
Pity Party Girl
Shitty Party Girl
Pickup Hicks

Pick-Up Styx
Trump's Cerberus
Trump's Protectress
The Gatekeeper
The Grate Keeper

Dis-honorable Mention: Trump's Chief Media Handler (GQ), Trump's Constant Shadow, The Loyalist, The Novice, The Uncommunicative Communications Director, The Hack Hoaxer

Hope Hicks Quotes

President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him.—Hope Hicks (infectious like the coronavirus?)
I don't do well in plaid.—Hope Hicks
I'm not ready to decide if modeling is what I want to do with my life.—Hope Hicks (who may prefer to destroy American democracy)
I could really see myself in politics. Who knows?—Hope Hicks (according to GQ, the former model is now the most powerful person in Washington)
Hope is feared and revered in the West Wing.Kellyanne Conway (who is merely weird)

Related pages: Famous Nicknames, Donald Trump Nicknames, Melania Trump Nicknames, Jared Kushner Nicknames, Ivanka Trump Nicknames, Donald Trump Jr. Nicknames, Eric Trump Nicknames, Anthony Scaramucci Nicknames, Mitch McConnell Nicknames, Jeff Sessions Nicknames, Steve Bannon Nicknames, Sarah Huckabee Sanders Nicknames, Judge Roy Moore Nicknames, Kellyanne Conway Nicknames, Eric Trump Nicknames, Joe Arpaio Nicknames, Stephen Miller Nicknames, Sean Spicer Nicknames, Devin Nunes Nicknames, Sam Nunberg Nicknames, Mike Pompeo Nicknames, Mike Pence Nicknames, Brett Kavanaugh Nicknames, Marsha Blackburn Nicknames, Diane Black Nicknames, Donald Trump Cabinet Nicknames, Marco Rubio Nicknames, Ted Cruz Nicknames, Mitt Romney Nicknames, Donald Trump: 666 Mark of the Beast, Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?, The Donald Trump Bible, The Best Donald Trump Puns, The Best Donald Trump Insults, Fact-Checking Trump, Donald Trump Funny Campaign Slogans and Parodies, Donald Trump Halloween Ideas, Donald Trump Poetry, Donald Trump Inauguration Poetry, Donald Trump Curtsy or Bow?, Ten Reasons to "Fire" Donald Trump, Donald Trump Violence Quotes, Trump Trivia, Is there a Republican War on Women?, Conservatives Who Support Gay Marriage, 2016 Republican Debate, Ted Cruz Quotes, The Best Ted Cruz Jokes, The Wit, Wisdom and Very Impressive Vocabulary of Donald J. Trump

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