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Ron DeSantis Nicknames
Ron DeSantis Quotes
Ron DeSantis Jokes

This page contains the best Ron DeSantis nicknames, jokes and quotes that I have been able to find, plus a few that I came up with myself. Ron DeSantis nicknames and jokes have been coined by Donald Trump (many), Nikki Haley, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Chris Christie, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah, Conan O'Brien and other late night comedians and TV figures.

Suggested campaign slogan: "Collude with Satan, vote for DeSatanist!"

There are more Ron DeSantis jokes after the nicknames.

The Top Ten Ron DeSantis Nicknames, Plus a Few

Ron DeSatanist
Ron DeSanctimonious (Donald Trump)

“Ron DeSanctimonious? Trump doesn’t even know what that means. He thought he was casting a Harry Potter spell on him.” Jimmy Fallon

Ron DeFantasist (Michael R. Burch)
Ron DeMantis (Michael R. Burch)
The Preying Mantis (Michael R. Burch)
Trump's Closet VP
Trump's Slumming Mate (Michael R. Burch)
Creep Veep
Reek Veep
Backseat Reek (Michael R. Burch)
The perfect Meatball to Trump’s more virulent Archie Bunker (Michael R. Burch)
A “sad little man” who “failed miserably in his presidential campaign” (Donald Trump)

Ron DeSanctus (Donald Trump)

Jimmy Fallon may have been correct because Trump later shortened his nickname to DeSanctus.
Ron DisHonest (Donald Trump)
Rob and Rob DeSanctimonious (Donald Trump)

Trump calls him "Rob" because DeSantis is out to rob seniors.

Shutdown Ron (Donald Trump)
Ron DeEstablishment (Donald Trump)
Paul Ryan Lackey (Donald Trump)
Lightweight Ron (Donald Trump)
Tiny D (Donald Trump)

Is "Tiny D" a reference to DeSantis's height or his sex organ? After all, Trump has informed us that there is "no problem" with his!

Ron DeSaster (Donald Trump)
Meatball Ron (Donald Trump)

“Meatball Ron” is apparently Trump's dig at DeSantis’s appearance and Italian heritage.

Ron DeSoros (Donald Trump)
Ron DinoSOROS (Michael R. Burch)
Ron Tie-Rant-o-SOROS (Michael R. Burch)
Ron Deploros (Michael R. Burch)

tRUMP Roastee (Michael R. Burch)

Mini Trump (Nikki Haley)

Sham Rambo (Michael R. Burch) 

Ron DeSantis said he would have people wearing backpacks shot "stone cold dead" at the border. No trials, just summary executions. Of course kids and teenagers have been known to wear backpacks. Now we know why they call him Ron DeSatanist!

Ron DeSatan
Ron DeSatanist
Ron DeathSantis
Ron DeathSentance-ist
Death-Dealer DeSantis
CoRONa DeathSantis
Rosie Ronny
Conny Ronny
Moron DeSantis
Ron Disastrous
Ron Disaster
Ron DeCANTist
Ron DeCANTer
Little Ronnie Runnydiaper
Crybaby Ron
Duh-Do Ron-Ron
Smelly Ron (Jimmy Kimmel)

“Yeah, he’s lost some speed on his nickname fastball, you know? In the old days, it would have been something like ‘Smelly Ron’ and we would’ve all went with it.”
Jimmy Kimmel

Bad Lounge Act
Sleepy Ron (he's anti-woke)
Mr. ChatGPT (Chris Christie)
Mr. ChatGOP
Glib Twerp
The MAGAmaniac
Mr. MAGAspeak
AI TrumpFAN 6.66
Trump Lite
Jesus Christ Stuporstar

Ron DeSantis Jokes

“Ron DeSanctimonious? Trump doesn’t even know what that means. He thought he was casting a Harry Potter spell on him.” Jimmy Fallon

“Yeah, he’s lost some speed on his nickname fastball, you know? In the old days, it would have been something like ‘Smelly Ron’ and we would’ve all went with it.” Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Fallon may have been correct because Trump later shortened his nickname to DeSanctus.

Ron DeSantis Quotes

The only quote I've been able to find for Crybaby Ron is: "Wah! Why can't I be more like my hero, Trump? Wah!"

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