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Aileen Cannon Nicknames
Aileen Cannon Jokes
Aileen Cannon Quotes

This page contains the best Aileen Cannon nicknames and jokes that I have been able to find, and some that I came up with myself. Aileen Cannon nicknames and jokes have been coined by Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart and Daily Kos.

The Top Ten Aileen Cannon Nicknames, Expanded to a Top 25

Miami Vice
Loose Cannon
"I Lean" Aileen

"Aileen Cannon knows only one special master: Donald Trump." — Klaus Marre

The Rookie and The Rooker
The Sludge Judge (Michael R. Burch)
Mercedes (her middle name)
Trump's Pom-Pom Girl
Malaka (Wanker, Masturbator, Jerk, Jerk-off)
Malakia (Moron, Idiot)
The Hanging Judge
Ms. Dangling Participle
Ms. Hand Job
Jail Bate
Master Bater
Flogger of the Dauphin
Trump's Tosser
Polisher of Trump's Pearl
Trump's Willy Washer
Choker of Trump's Chicken
Ringer of the Devil's Doorknob
Spanker of Trump's Monkey
Trump's Meat Beater
The Hanging-on-to-Trump's Coattails Judge (Michael R. Burch)

More Aileen Cannon Nicknames

Rigger Tortoise (pun on Rigor Mortis)
Old Slow But Unsteady
Trump's Lap Turtle
Shell Game Aileen ("Gavel! Gavel! Who's got the gavel?)

Where the hell
is the gal in the shell?
She let the gavel fall;
Now she's shitting bricks in a stall.
"I Lean" Cannon has gone AWOL!
―Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition"

The Constitutional Con-Swerve-ative
The Trump Toady
The Filly Buster
The Invisible Woman
Nowhere Woman (apologies to the Beatles)
Shirknado (Michael R. Burch)
Powered Down Android (emphasis on 'roid)
The Mindless Obstructionist
The Obstructionist
Little Miss CONstipation 2024
Little Miss ReLAXative 2024
Little Miss Delay 2024
The Untamed Shrew (apologies to Shakespeare)

Aileen Cannon Jokes

There is no greater joke than Aileen Cannon herself.

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